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2003-02-17, 10:48 PM | #1 |
前陣子下ㄌ3dmark03 要跑他說找不到d3d.dll 結果升級到directx9 還是有問題 連3dmark2001都掛ㄌ 我想請問一下什是d3d ,openGL amd18+ nvidia geforce4 mx440 小弟是出學者 請多指教 |
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2003-02-19, 10:00 AM | #3 (permalink) |
D3d = DirectX 3D ..微軟制訂的3D繪圖引擎..
至於..OpenGL.. What is OpenGL? OpenGL is a cross-platform standard for 3D rendering and 3D hardware acceleration. The software runtime library ships with all Windows, MacOS, Linux and Unix systems. OpenGL delivers fast and complete 3D hardware acceleration Today's applications and games manipulate massive amounts of data in real-time by using OpenGL hardware accelerated geometry, real-time lighting, clipping, transformations and rendering * OpenGL makes real-time 3D effects possible OpenGL hardware acceleration adds detail & special effects to images without compromising performance. Examples include real-time fog, anti-aliasing, volume shadows, bump mapping, motion blur, transparency, reflections, 3D textures, volume rendering and more * OpenGL is designed to support future innovations in software and hardware, The extension mechanism in OpenGL can expose radically new hardware/software features that simply never existed when OpenGL was originally conceived. So you can be confident that you will continue to get the best possible performance from your applications and games as hardware technology advances * OpenGL is on every platform Ever wished that great Unix application would move to Windows or a great Windows game to Linux. Since OpenGL is fully cross-platform, it is realtively easy to port games or applications from one platform to be moved to another. This greatly expands the wealth of applications and games that support OpenGL. * OpenGL is stable. High End 3D workstation & supercomputuer users have been enjoying OpenGL since 1992. Today, OpenGL is also the most popular and powerful 3D solution for Windows, Mac and Linux-based computers, for professional and consumer use. |
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