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2005-12-25, 09:32 AM | #1 |
請問有沒有哪一套軟體可以鎖 (資料夾)的軟體
請問有沒有哪一套軟體可以鎖 資料夾 的軟體
有的大大可以分享嗎 感謝 |
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2006-01-09, 08:05 PM | #10 (permalink) | |
File Size: 4.50MB Description: Access Folders is a handy utility that provides fast access to your most often used and favorite folders. It allows you to make your own menu that consist of your favorite folder paths. Open an Save As/Open dialog and click the right mouse button on the question mark [?] button in the dialog's caption. Select the appropriate menu item to jump to the corresponding path Folder Access has a very easy to use interface and the security of your data is always a mouse click away. Folder Access is integrated with windows explorer context menu so all you have to do is right click a folder and click on Lock Folder menu option or to unlock click on UnlockFolder menu option. Folder Access is very fast in locking and unlocking folders so you will have never to wait for locking or unlocking a folder. Folder Access uses global password protection to protect the application and locked folders. This makes life easy for you as you have to remember just one password for all the operations. ***************************************************** Is not working on chinese, arabic versions of windows Freeware version lock 4 folders (unlimited after patch!) download file: http://www.shelltoys.com/afsetup.zip or... http://www.shelltoys.com/afsetup.exe url: http://www.shelltoys.com/index.html Access Folder的設定,可以說明 您快速訪問您常用的資料夾及檔案 http://rapidshare.de/files/10706762/..._v2.1.rar.html |
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