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2003-02-19, 01:39 PM | #1 |
如何才能將 .jpg 或 .bmp 轉成 .pdf ?
請問我該使用哪個版本的 ACDSee 和 Acrobat Reader 才能將 .jpg 或 .bmp 轉換成 .pdf 檔?
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2003-02-19, 02:02 PM | #2 (permalink) |
I think you need adobe acrobat (5.0 or other versions all work).
But you cannot use acrobat READER because you can only use that to read your pdf file, not making it. In the acrobat series there's "acrobat reader" (read pdf) and "adobe acrobat" (make pdf). I'm looking for adobe acrobat now. If you cannot find it, you can go to the link below and get 5 free trials online. http://createpdf.adobe.com/index.pl/...61.09609?BP=IE |
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2003-02-19, 09:01 PM | #3 (permalink) |
Adobe Reader 只能做來檢視,是無法進行轉換的
您需要另外一套 Acrobat 才可以轉換 當然,市面上還有很多可以轉換PDF的工具..提供兩個給您.. Aldo’s Text-PDF PRO+ http://toget.pchome.com.tw/intro/bus...ing/18253.html 「文電通」 http://toget.pchome.com.tw/intro/uti...sfer/4567.html 以上兩套都是shareware...相關使用限制請字型參閱介紹網頁的中文內容..^^ PS: Acrobat5在網路上很容易抓到的.. |
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