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2003-02-19, 06:00 PM | #1 |
PowerDVD 撥放VCD沒聲音
請問一下各位大大本人使用WIN98+PowerDVD XP
可以撥放影像但是沒有聲音,但是用Mediaplayer撥放 有影像也有聲音是不是我哪裡設定錯誤 煩請知道的大大告知一下謝謝!! |
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2003-02-20, 02:07 AM | #4 (permalink) |
Dolby最新研發的虛擬環繞音場技術(Dolby Virtual Speaker, DVS)技術,是在利用兩個喇叭的情況下,模擬出多重聲道的聽覺錯覺效果!因此在不需升級與改變設備,DVS為個人計算機視聽娛樂帶來了另一個新選擇!! 二、有蠻多網友反應網路上下載的POWER DVD XP 2417 八聲道中文零售版,在影片播到一半會忽然沒有聲音,懷疑是Beta破解版(未啥不用輸入序號且還有撥放上的問題),如你也有上述問題,建議用以下方式依序安裝使用試試: 1、PowerDVD XP V4.0 (6 Channel 完全零售版,內附舊版繁簡語言包及安裝序號): ftp://www.ganziy.com:smile@61.242.15...eatil_Full.rar 2、安裝下面這個PowerDVD XP 4.0 Patch Build: 2417 http://www.cyberlink-usa.com/ftpdloa...Patch_2417.exe http://ftp.nctu.edu.tw/ftp/Vendors/S...Patch_2417.exe 3、安裝官方01/23/2003更新的語言包(簡體): http://download.gocyberlink.com/ftpd...s_2417_Chs.exe 語言包(繁體): http://download.gocyberlink.com/ftpd...s_2417_Cht.exe 4、解壓縮下面這個補丁文件到你的程序安裝目錄覆蓋: http://www.husbandd.clara.net/PowerD...fs_dot_org.zip 有關這個補丁的說明: Many of our users, along with myself, have noticed that the latest PowerDVD patch is not all it is cracked up to, reducing deluxe users into, standard users demanding that they repurchase the audio packs so they can enable the 8 speaker option, DTS etc. However, once again bbq has found the solution, several files were not correctly included in the update, however bbq found them in the Japanese version and has supplied them to us here at NTFS.org - This will not make PowerDVD Japanese, so don't worry, simply add the files from this ZIP file into the PowerDVD directory and enjoy! ***要注意的是在完成以上步驟之前最好不要運行PowerDVD**** |
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