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2006-02-07, 02:53 PM | #1 |
穩定性也怪怪 不知誰有舊版可以分享 只要不是2.0都好 |
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送花文章: 1110,
2006-02-08, 12:57 AM | #2 (permalink) |
2.0的原廠是寫只有支援2000或xp(video),但pchome上是有寫Windows XP/2000/Me/98 The new, shiny Skype 2.0 with video calling PC running Windows 2000 or XP. (The new video feature requires Windows XP.) Internet connection (broadband is best, GPRS is not supported for voice calls, and results may vary on a satellite connection). Speakers and microphone — built-in or separate. A webcam, if you want to make video calls. We also recommend that you have at least 400 MHz processor, 128 MB RAM and 15 MB free disk space on your hard drive. 2.這裡有很多,泥可看看自己要什麼 http://ftp.isu.edu.tw/pub/CPatch/irc/skype/source/ |
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