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2006-02-14, 06:56 PM | #1 |
請問OutPost Firewall的AttackDetection問題
請問大大們的OutPost Firewall 是否也是連上網路後Attack Detection 項目中都不會顯示有被攻擊或是阻擋的顯示?
要再中斷連線後,再連上網路AttackDetection那邊才會開始出現顯示? 這樣是否代表OutPost Firewall是正常的? 因為每次沒看到顯示就得中斷網路連線,再連上它Attack Detection 項目才會顯示。 如果不顯示好像也不知道是否有達到防護作用。 請問一下謝謝。 |
送花文章: 10271,
2006-02-14, 07:22 PM | #2 (permalink) |
攻擊或是阻擋泥可能要看清楚是什麼軟體,還是什麼連線,有時是正常的軟體連線 There are two sections to the Attack Detection plugin options: 1 - Alarm level You can decide how Outpost alerts you. You can choose between Minimum, Normal, and Maximum. Minimum makes a log entry only when Outpost can identify an attack, Normal warns you when multiple ports are scanned or when ports of a specific service are scanned. Maximum makes a log entry whenever a single port is probed. 2 - Block intruders This area covers how Outpost should respond. Outpost can block all traffic if you want, or just traffic from the intruders IP. You can also have Outpost block traffic from the intruders subnet. You also have the option of enabling Outpost to block local ports when ever a DOS (Denial Of Service) attempt is made. http://www.outpostfirewall.com/forum...ad.php?t=12508 |
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