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2006-02-22, 08:36 AM | #1 |
最近因為我女兒迷上 msn可是我擔心他會被騙 像其他其他女孩一樣 離家出走 所以去跟別人請教了 一個程式keylogpro 會把所有的輸入紀錄記下來 但是這個檔案源頭被砍掉了 我上去官網看 也看不懂 只知道好像有試用版 想用用看 那位大大可以協助我的www.keylogpro.com 謝謝 一個辛苦擔心兒女的單親爸爸
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2006-02-22, 08:58 AM | #2 (permalink) |
c:\Documents and Settings\xxx\My Documents\我已接收的檔案 (c是看泥os裝那,xxx表登入的使用者) 這個地方只要泥在msn給它勾選 工具-選項-訊息-自動保留我的對話記錄 它打什麼就可看到 2.用msn sniffer也可,這個keylogpro通常是拿來偷別人的密碼,泥拿來看別人打字不累嗎 3.女兒的隱私,抓重點就可,它是泥女兒可能比泥聰明 早晚它也會知道,os給泥設密碼不給泥看,不難就結婚後,不理泥,因為泥會給人家偷看 女生和男生就不同,泥要看,就和它直接說,泥要看就好(心情好就給泥看) 比較不會有男生有領域性的做法 泥說迷上yahoo偶還比較相信,msn只是在那打打字 倫家網路上都馬叫老公老婆,它還要給泥看,這樣不會很丟臉 要被騙,在路上也會被騙 讓它有正確觀念就好了 |
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2006-02-22, 12:22 PM | #3 (permalink) |
通常是在對付女友有分手找有正確的理由 ,可憐的爸爸要摧殘小女兒的幼小心靈....
我爸是home spy XPCSpy is a powerful pc keylogger spy software runs stealthy under MS Windows, and it's very easy to use. This keylogger spy ware allows you to monitor and record all activities on your pc when you leave or if you need, then the keylogger spy software can create reports and send them to the predefined email address. So how do you know what your staff or children are doing on computer? Are they studying, working, or playing game? This keylogger spy software can tell you exactly who is doing what on the PC at any time during the day or night. For parents, this spy software is a very useful keylogger to monitor children's chat. Key Features: Records all keystrokes typed. Records all websites visited. Records all programs executed, folders explored, files opened or edited, documents printed etc. Records all windows opened. * Records all clipboard text content.* Records all system activities.* Records all actions on self. Records web-mails sent (database update online, more and more web-mail servers are supported). * Records all ICQ Messenger chat conversations (* both sides). Records all MSN Messenger chat conversations (* both sides). Records all AOL/AIM Messenger chat conversations (* both sides). Records all Yahoo! Messenger chat conversations (* both sides). Runs invisible in the background, and protected by password. Built-in screenshot pictures viewer. Schedule monitor process, set time to start or stop monitoring. Creates text or html logs report, good format for reading. Sends logs report via e-mail. Sends logs report via ftp. * Hides absolutely under Windows 9X/NT/ME/2000/XP, can't be found in task manager. * Extremely easy to use. ... h**Tp://www.x-pcsoft.com/images/spy_software.gif http://download.com.com/redir?pid=1...oad/xpcspyp.exe h**tp://www.x-pcsoft.com/download/xpcspyp.exe h**tp://cz.onlinedown.net/down/xpcspyp.exe h**tp://www.x-pcsoft.com/download/xpcspyp.exe 公司及家庭的監控保全系統 - XPCSpy Pro,能夠監控、紀錄所有電腦中的活動,包括鍵盤輸入、瀏覽網站、系統動態、套用程式使用紀錄、剪貼簿訊息、網頁型郵件、聊天內容、熒幕畫面側錄等,並且將這些監控資料透過電子郵件傳送,或者FTP 上傳到您所指定的電腦。 2.58 htttp://www.piaodown.com/down/soft/6076.htm 2.56 crk: http://rapidshare.de/files/8269651/SPYPRO.rar.html |
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