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2006-05-05, 10:07 PM | #1 |
請教如何確定 USB 2.0 已經 work ?
我的版子晶片組是 nFORCE4, XPSP2 也灌了 USB 2.0 的驅動程式, 但在檔案傳送速度上與 USB 1.1 似乎沒甚麼差別 ! 在裝置管理員內也看不出名堂, 想請教如何確定 USB 2.0 已經 work ? 謝謝 |
送花文章: 15,
2006-05-06, 12:41 AM | #3 (permalink) | |
無需額外安裝驅動程式..... 以檔案傳輸速率上,如果以隨身碟來講"我個人"可以感覺的出來USB2.0/1.1 運作模式的差異,前者速度快後者慢。 請告知你USB設備有哪些,然後用哪邊的Port連接USB設備?是主機板內建的? 還是機殼面板的?甚至是透過USB延長線或者USB HUB? |
__________________ 我是史版A大,錢的數量決定電腦的力量 我是給女孩修電腦長大的,經驗豐富技術過硬,就沒有我修不好的電腦 |
送花文章: 79396,
2006-05-06, 01:11 AM | #4 (permalink) |
謝謝大大的回答, 我用的東西是普通的拇指碟 (USB 2.0) , 比較沒灌驅動跟灌了驅動之後傳檔的差別 , 將近 200M 只差五秒
主機板是技嘉的 GA-K8NF-9 , 拇指碟插在機殼前面板 ( 用排線從板子接到機殼 ) 感謝版大告知 XP2 會自動辨識, 只是因為技嘉附了 USB 2.0 的驅動, 所以我就灌了一下 1. 裝置管理員裡 " 通用序列匯流排控制器 " 在灌驅動前後都是一樣 Standard Enhanced PCI to USB Host Controller Standard OpenHcd USB Host Controller USB Root Hub USB Root Hub 驅動程式都寫明是微軟, 並沒有因為弄了技嘉的驅動而改變 ( IDE 就會變成是 nFORCE ) 我想是技嘉唬爛吧 2. 我會試著把拇指碟直接插在板子上再試試是否有差 3. 或許這一點點差別( 五秒 ) 根本就是正常的, 只是我錯誤的期望太高了 謝謝大家的熱心 |
送花文章: 15,
2006-05-06, 01:14 AM | #5 (permalink) | |
因為你機殼面板前方的port其USB Cable可能沒有符合 USB2.0規範... |
送花文章: 79396,
2006-05-06, 11:05 AM | #9 (permalink) |
NAND Flash Memory本來讀寫速率就不同,仔細體會就感覺的出來....
USB裝置本來就有很多顧慮,HUB與纜線都會影響到傳輸效能,就以 機殼前方面板來說,很多機殼其前方的port大多使用不符合USB2.0 規範的纜線連接主機版端,導致其效能只有1.1。這是最常出現的狀況 ,使用時系統會提醒你"高速裝置安裝在低速介面"..... 像我買隨身碟時故意挑有附贈延長線的款式,我把線貼在機殼上就等於 有一個從後方引來前方的port了 |
送花文章: 79396,
2006-05-07, 01:41 AM | #10 (permalink) | |
http://lpt.usbfireinfo.com/Information/#Overview |
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送花文章: 3,
2006-05-09, 12:50 AM | #12 (permalink) |
It's finally here! -- The Ultimate Software Utility and Tool for Viewing, Browsing, Exploring and Performance Testing USB Devices. USBINFO™ can help you optimize your USB Device configuration and help you speed up your system performance. USBINFO™ is a powerful yet simple to understand and easy to use new program for easily browsing, viewing, and testing your USB Devices. USBINFO™ has features for professional and technical people as well as for the average PC user. USBINFO™ has an extremely powerful and extensive set of features. USBINFO™ is compatible with and installs quickly and easily on Windows 98/SE/Me/2000/XP. No complicated configuration or setup is needed. USBINFO™ is unlike any other utility or tool available as it provides a complete yet simple to understand instant view of all of your USB Devices including Controllers, Hubs and other external USB Devices - And you can see all of the Windows devices that are related to your USB Devices such as USB Drives - All in a single view. In most cases, USBINFO™ even provides a much better view of your USB Devices than Windows itself. For example, on Windows you would have to look at least 5 windows of information to get the same information that USBINFO™ provides in a single easy-to-understand view. Features --What You Can Do With USBINFO™ Easily View, Explore and Browse USB Devices and their related devices such as USB Drives Determine whether your USB Controllers, Hubs and Devices are really USB 2.0 or not Determine how fast your USB 2.0 Devices really are Measure the performance of your USB 2.0 and USB 1.x Devices Compare the performance of various USB Devices Easily determine which USB Device is related to what USB Drive -- Compared to Windows clumsy, confusing, and incomplete views Browse and Explore USB Drives Stop USB Devices so they can be safely removed Help you troubleshoot USB Device and installation problems Determine which USB Device Registry entries are active and find those that match your USB Devices Find Registry entries that have incomplete/incorrect information in them or that no longer apply to the USB Device hardware that is currently installed. See at a glance all of the USB Devices and Registry Entries that have been installed including those that apply to USB Devices you may no longer be using. Review the Advanced Technical Information for USB Devices 9.2 MB USBINFO?is a fantastic and powerful utility for browsing, viewing, and testing USB Devices. It has been called the 櫪ltimate Utility and Tool For USB Devices? by those who have used it. Optimize Your PC and USB Devices Easily View, Explore and Browse USB Devices and their related devices such as USB Drives Determine whether your USB Controllers, Hubs and Devices are really USB 2.0 or not Determine how fast your USB 2.0 Devices really are Measure and compare the performance of your USB Devices View all of your Connected USB Devices in Topology Tree format and how they are currently configured and connected Troubleshoot USB Device and installation problems and determine if your USB Devices are working correctly Easily determine which USB Device is related to what USB Drive Stop USB Devices so they can be safely removed See at a glance all of the USB Devices and Registry Entries that have been installed. Easily match up which Registry Entries are for which USB Devices and determine which Registry entries are active and that match your USB Devices ?Also find Registry entries that have incomplete/incorrect information in them or that no longer apply to the USB Device hardware that is currently installed. Review Advanced Technical Information for USB Devices 軟體介紹: USB Info 2005 USB.Info是一款簡單易用的USB設備檢視,瀏覽,掃瞄及效能測試工具。 一款簡單易用的USB設備檢視、瀏覽、掃瞄及效能測試工具。 http://www.firewireinfo.com/ http://www.52z.com/SoftDown.asp?ID=6867 http://www.firewireinfo.com/Download...-0_7-27-05.exe http://rapidshare.de/files/19948952/...3.0.0.rar.html ==================================== USBTrace V1.3.0 註冊版 USBTrace is an easy to use and powerful USB analyzer. USBTrace can monitor USB transactions at host controllers, hubs and devices. This is a 100% software product. USBTrace supports Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows 2003 Server operating systems and works with USB 1.x and 2.0 (low, full and high speed) host controllers, hubs and devices. USBTrace Features USBTrace is an invaluable tool for all those who develop firmware and drivers (WDM) for devices which connect to the PC using the Universal Serial Bus. Ease of use With USBTrace you can monitor your devices very easily. Just select the device to be monitored and click 'capture'. Monitors USB requests at all levels With USBTrace you can monitor USB requests at USB Host Controllers, USB Hubs and USB devices. USBTrace does not use any filter drivers Unlike other software analyzers, USBTrace does not use any filter driver to capture the USB requests. So USBTrace will not disturb the PnP system due to its presence. Captures all USB requests during device enumeration USBTrace is capable of capturing all USB requests exchanged between the host controller/hub and the device during device enumeration. Displays valuable information for WDM device driver developers The IRP, URB and IO_STACK_LOCATION structures associated with each captured request is decoded and displayed by USBTrace. Also, in addition to capturing URBs, USBTrace captures Internal USB IOCTLs, User mode USB IOCTLs, PnP and Power IRPs. USBTrace also allows WDM driver developers to capture USB requests made/received by any device object in the USB device stack. 軟體介紹: Sysnucleus USBTrace是一款強大而且易用的軟體,用來分析USB總線和與之相連的USB設備的的連接狀況,USBTrace可以監視USB主控制器,分線器,設備的執行,USBTrace特別適合檢測主機方的USB控制傳輸協定。 點此下載原版 http://www.sysnucleus.com/USBTrace_B..._Installer.exe reginfo: name:LeExOyO serial:59*2-3*94-*12* http://www.skycn.com/soft/26058.html |
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