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2006-05-11, 08:59 PM | #1 |
因為本身有在玩魔獸世界 想把遊戲的內容 拍成像電影這樣子.. 找不到這套軟体=.=||| 也找不到教學的東西 |
送花文章: 215,
2006-05-11, 09:32 PM | #2 (permalink) |
軟體區利用搜尋一下就一堆相關的軟體了,難道都不是你所想要的嗎? |
__________________ 97年5月1日求檔區新版規正式實施. 98年3月24日修改及新增規定了!!請注意!! 求檔不回應不動作,被人列入黑名單可別怨嘆!! |
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2006-05-11, 10:13 PM | #4 (permalink) |
http://tw.search.yahoo.com/search?fr...95%99%E5%AD%B8 |
送花文章: 340,
2006-05-11, 11:24 PM | #5 (permalink) |
Vegas 6.0d Build 210
http://dspcdn.sonypictures.com/current/vegas60d.exe ftp://download.sonypictures.com/current/vegas60d.exe http://download.sonypictures.com/current/vegas60d.exe ftp://download.sonymediasoftware.com...t/vegas60d.exe http://download.sonymediasoftware.co...t/vegas60d.exe Notable Fixes/Changes in Version 6.0c You can now import video from a DVD Camcorder disc. From the File menu, choose Import, and then choose DVD Camcorder Disc. Standard and VR-mode discs are supported. Please see Known Issues for additional information. You can now export AVC (also called H.264 or MPEG-4 AVC) video to a USB-connected PSP™ (PlayStation®Portable). From the Tools menu, choose Export to PSP™ (PlayStation®Portable). NOTE: PSP firmware version 2.0 is required to use this feature. To check your firmware version, choose Settings > System Settings > System Information. For the latest firmware, go to http://us.playstation.com (in the United States) or http://www.playstation.com (outside the United States). QuickTime 7 is required to preview AVC video on your computer. A full-resolution MXF reader for XDCAM has been added to allow you to use MXF files on the Vegas timeline. Changes have been made to improve importing speed and memory handling when working with AAF files. Track-based audio gain and panning are preserved (keyframes are not supported) when saving or importing AAF files. When exchanging AAF files with another application, refer to its documentation to determine whether audio gain and panning changes are supported. A bug that affected rendering and reading of large AIF files has been fixed: 16-bit, 44.1 kHz stereo AIF renders are now limited to approximately 03:22:53 of audio (536,870,909 samples); 24 bit, 96 kHz stereo renders are now limited to approximately 01:02:08 of audio (357,913,940 samples); the largest file that can be rendered as AIF is approximately 2GB in size. Vegas 6.0c will continue to load files created with previous releases that exceed these limits, though other applications may fail to load them. A bug has been fixed that caused some AVI and MPEG files to be improperly identified as AAF files. A bug has been fixed that caused some AAF files to be improperly identified as MP3 files. A bug has been fixed that could cause the Media Manager to crash when performing some editing operations if the Save media-usage relationships in active media library check box on the General page of the Preferences dialog was selected. A bug has been fixed that could prevent snapping to the ends of media when trimming event. The Ctrl+K caption-placement keyboard shortcut in the Edit Details window has been fixed. A bug has been fixed that caused still-image sequences to be replaced with a single still image when replacing media. A video rendering issue that occurred when using many high-resolution still images of different sizes has been fixed. The CineForm CFHD codec has been updated for rendering HD intermediate files. An issue that prevented certain media video properties from switching when relinking to offline media has been fixed. A "Reverse" icon has been added to identify reversed events. Multimedia keys now pass-through to Windows if they are not assigned in the Vegas Keyboard Preferences tab. Issues with regional decimal separator characters in the Audio Event Properties dialog Time stretch / Pitch shift section have been fixed. 目錄 打造家用專業數位影像! 全世界第一本Vegas中文教學書籍 一本未曾上市就面臨盜版風潮的數位影像剪輯書籍 本書讓讀者在家中即可製作完全專業效果數位影像教學,只要您會基本的電腦操作,就可以體驗在家庭中製作出屬於您自己的專業化影像。讓個人DV走入專業視訊剪輯的便捷之路盡在本書。 [目錄] Vegas概貌一覽 初識Vegas Vegas設定 Vegas 視瀕採集 Vegas剪輯入門 Vegas音瀕剪輯入門 Vegas視瀕剪輯輸出詳解 Vegas字幕詳解 Vegas速度詳解 Vegas軌道運動 Vegas 合成與遮罩 Vegas畫面變形 Vegas色彩調節 Vegas插件 Vegas指令碼文件 Vegas特效簡介 Vegas快捷鍵 特色 Sony Vegas 在與Adobe Preimere pro 、Avid 、Ulead等等數位影像剪輯軟體的激烈競爭中脫穎而出,被VideoMaker.com雜誌評為2003年度最先進影像剪輯軟體。且Sony Vegas 是第一款支持杜比AC3 5.1聲軌和HD模式的數位影像剪輯軟體。強大的功能加上方便易用的操作特性,會帶給您異乎尋常的超值感受。 閱讀完本書之後,您一定會驚呼:真的這麼簡單嗎?我居然做出了專業效果的數位影片?是的,不必奇怪,這就是Vegas真正會帶給你的。如果您希望在家裡做出專業化數位影像,那就請跟著作者走進Vegas數位影像世界吧。 http://rapidshare.de/files/20193009/..._.0d_.zip.html |
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