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2006-08-10, 09:22 AM | #1 |
疑問 - 關於免費空間BDG的問題?
關於免費空間BDG的下載問題? 有辦法破解一個檔下再完畢後才行下載第二個的限制嗎? 就是同時可以好幾個檔案... 麻煩各位前輩告知,謝謝歐 |
送花文章: 48,
2006-08-10, 04:58 PM | #5 (permalink) |
不過Rapget下載其它空間的東西還是首推之選 目前要下載BDG空間的東西好像只能自己一個一個下載 聽說BDG空間會限流量 所以記得要刪除cookies會比較好 在下也正在為下載BDG空間的東西搞到頭大和下到手酸 |
__________________ ♪我的噗浪 ♪我的blog ‧MEGA免空建議使用Firefox或Chrome瀏覽器下載 ‧檔案若有問題請PM告知,回覆在討論串中我不見得能即時發現 ‧解壓縮前請確定檔案下載完全,解壓密碼用複製貼上,請勿自行輸入 ‧影片播放有聲無影、有影無聲等問題,請安裝K-Lite Codec Pack解碼包 |
送花文章: 2656,
2006-08-10, 11:04 PM | #6 (permalink) |
http://redirectscript.t35.com/ref.php? 例如 http://redirectscript.t35.com/ref.ph...m/file/1234567 這是我在別人下載的載點上看到的 BDG可多檔下載 還有這個空間也OK www.rapidupload.com 其他的可能要煩請其他人試試看囉~ |
送花文章: 430,
2006-08-11, 03:55 PM | #7 (permalink) | |
You are connecting to our site using the IP Address: 211.72.XXX.X This IP Address is currently downloading another file. If you just cancelled this download, please try again in a few minutes as the previous download connection might not yet be terminated. If 211.72.XXX.X is not your ip address , then you may be sharing your IP Address with other users on your ISP's Proxy Server or an Office NAT Gateway. If you are not currently downloading any files from Badongo, then this means that you are most likely sharing the same IP address with multiple users of your ISP. The solution to this problem is to either request a dedicated IP Address from your Internet Provider or to try back later. Free Users are limited to 1 Connection to the BADONGO site at a time. If you wish to have multiple concurrent connection and would like to download multiple files at once from our system , you may purchase a PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP. Premium Memberships also give you unlimited downloads per day as well as NO Waiting Periods. |
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