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2003-03-02, 09:40 AM | #1 |
Windows XP SP2 Leaked - 小道消息
不知道是真是假...看看就好^_^ 消息來源:http://www.neowin.net/comments.php?i...&category=main 內容:Yes its real -thanks to wd40 and Ytterbium for first notifying us Contradictory to a reports today that the recent hype about Service Pack 2 of Windows XP leaking was indeed fake, we bring you information that prooves this build is indeed real. We have Exclusive screenshots that proove this build is indeed a very early SP2 build. The reason so many might have believed it was fake is because it contains SP1 in it. The digital signature reads: CN = Microsoft Windows VBL03CA DC = ntdev DC = microsoft DC = com The only way to get it to install is to intergrate it with Windows XP ISO/CD. Rumour has it we are likely to see a lot more of SP2 once 3 Degrees goes final |
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