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2006-12-28, 10:53 AM | #1 | |
討論 - 二道問題考考大家
老是在回答 FAQ 等級的問題大家應該也會膩吧 ^^a
今天小老弟就出二道題目考考大家~ 一起來歡樂吧(?) 不限任何程式語言,歡迎大家來挑戰,雖然就算解出來了也沒獎品就是了 = =a 第一大題: 請分析下列文章中的各個英文單字出現的頻率,並將出現頻率最高的三個單字輸出至螢幕。 輸出格式為: 頻率<TAB or Space>單字 引用:
第二大題: uucp:x:12:14:Adrian W. Jones/OFFICE_01/TEL_NUM_01 operator:x:13:0:Dorothy Gale/OFFICE_02/TEL_NUM_02 games:x:12:140:John Hancock/OFFICE_03/TEL_NUM_03 請將上述資料紅色的部份,擷取並輸出至暫存檔(eg.tmp.txt),內容為: Gale, Dorothy <TAB>OFFICE_02<TAB>TEL_NUM_02 Hancock, John <TAB>OFFICE_03<TAB>TEL_NUM_03 Jones, Adrian W. <TAB>OFFICE_01<TAB>TEL_NUM_01 (必須依照人名順序排列) == 解不出來要打屁屁喔~都很簡單的ㄋㄟ~ 我當然知道怎麼解不然我哪敢問 |
__________________ 思考,正是從一個錯誤,跳進另外一個錯誤。 |
送花文章: 5387,
向 Chin-Wei 送花的會員:
Admin2 (2006-12-28)
感謝您發表一篇好文章 |
2006-12-28, 03:12 PM | #2 (permalink) | ||
有空再繼續 使用perl寫,可在windows及linux下 running perl程式: 引用:
__________________ |
送花文章: 11706,
2006-12-28, 09:44 PM | #3 (permalink) | |||
Perl 不愧是用來處理字串專用的程式語言,能夠在這麼短短的幾行就解決確實名不虛傳 阿鳥老大 BASH 熟嗎?BASH 熟的話在處理很多東西會很方便喔~ ^_^ 例如這題用 BASH 來解,只要...... 一行 引用:
第二題會比較刺激喔~~~ 期待 Perl 的精彩演出~ ==== 可能有人覺得第一道題目很沒意義,我換個方式說大伙就知道這個可以用來做什麼。 題目: 請在 /var/log/secure LOG檔中找出嘗試入侵主機超過10次的IP,並在Firewall中封鎖該IP。 大伙是不是也漸漸感受到 BASH 的魔力 ^^? |
送花文章: 5387,
2006-12-28, 11:02 PM | #4 (permalink) | |
嚴格來說,bash依賴作業系統,不能獨立於軟體,這一次不算數,第二題我也要用bash > < 第二題 引用:
此帖於 2006-12-29 12:00 AM 被 飛鳥 編輯. |
送花文章: 11706,
2006-12-29, 01:23 AM | #5 (permalink) |
import java.util.Arrays; public class Slime { public static void main(String[] args) { String src = "WASHINGTON - Gerald R. Ford was a man of limited ambition who, through bizarre circumstances never before experienced by the country, achieved an office that others win through the greatest determination and calculation. The nation's 38th president, Ford wanted only to become speaker of the House. History had another place for him. ADVERTISEMENT Ford was comfortable in the House, representing a Michigan congressional district for 25 years, rising to Republican leader and working toward his dream of one day running the chamber, when President Nixon called.He needed a new vice president; scandal had chased Spiro Agnew from the office.Ford wasn't Nixon's first choice, but the president agreed that the amiable Republican would be the easiest to win confirmation by both houses of Congress. So it went, and Ford became vice president in December 1973.Yet eight months later, the scenario got even stranger."; String[] array = src.replaceAll("\\W", " ").split("\\s+"); Arrays.sort(array); int n = 1; for (int i = 0; i < array.length - 1; i++) { if (array[i].equals(array[i + 1])) { n++; } else { System.out.println(n + " " + array[i]); n = 1; } } } } 語法:
頻率 字 1 1973 1 25 1 38th 1 ADVERTISEMENT 1 Agnew 1 Congress 1 December 5 Ford 1 Gerald 1 He 1 History 2 House 1 Michigan 2 Nixon 1 President 1 R 2 Republican 1 So 1 Spiro 1 The 1 WASHINGTON 1 Yet 3 a 1 achieved 1 agreed 1 ambition 1 amiable 1 an 3 and 1 another 1 be 1 became 1 become 1 before 1 bizarre 1 both 1 but 2 by 1 calculation 1 called 1 chamber 1 chased 1 choice 1 circumstances 1 comfortable 1 confirmation 1 congressional 1 country 1 day 1 determination 1 district 1 dream 1 easiest 1 eight 1 even 1 experienced 1 first 2 for 1 from 1 got 1 greatest 2 had 1 him 1 his 1 houses 2 in 1 it 1 later 1 leader 1 limited 1 man 1 months 1 nation 1 needed 1 never 1 new 4 of 2 office 1 one 1 only 1 others 1 place 4 president 1 representing 1 rising 1 running 2 s 1 scandal 1 scenario 1 speaker 1 stranger 1 t 2 that 10 the 2 through 3 to 1 toward 2 vice 1 wanted 2 was 1 wasn 1 went 1 when 1 who 2 win 1 working 1 would |
送花文章: 623,
向 snoopy 送花的會員:
Chin-Wei (2006-12-29)
感謝您發表一篇好文章 |
2006-12-29, 01:49 AM | #6 (permalink) |
import java.util.Arrays; public class Slime { public static void main(String[] args) { String str1 = "uucp:x:12:14:Adrian W. Jones/OFFICE_01/TEL_NUM_01"; String str2 = "operator:x:13:0:Dorothy Gale/OFFICE_02/TEL_NUM_02"; String str3 = "games:x:12:140:John Hancock/OFFICE_03/TEL_NUM_03"; str1 = str1.substring(str1.lastIndexOf(":")+1,str1.length()).replaceAll("/", "\t"); str2 = str2.substring(str2.lastIndexOf(":")+1,str2.length()).replaceAll("/", "\t"); str3 = str3.substring(str3.lastIndexOf(":")+1,str3.length()).replaceAll("/", "\t"); String[] str = {str1,str2,str3}; Arrays.sort(str); for(int i=0;i<3;i++) System.out.println(str[i]); } } 名字沒有多加處理 看不太懂 rule 不過那個也不難 加一個 method call一下 大概多兩三行而已 |
送花文章: 623,
向 snoopy 送花的會員:
Chin-Wei (2006-12-29)
感謝您發表一篇好文章 |
2006-12-29, 09:05 AM | #8 (permalink) | |||
阿鳥的答案跑出來的結果: 引用:
但題目要求的是: 引用:
如果這題這麼簡單偶就不會問了喔.......... |
送花文章: 5387,
2006-12-29, 09:40 AM | #11 (permalink) | |
要排序啦 XD >__< 別和阿鳥一樣偷懶咩 XD |
送花文章: 5387,
2006-12-29, 10:18 AM | #12 (permalink) | |
送花文章: 11706,
2006-12-29, 10:26 AM | #13 (permalink) | |
仔細看,不太正確,讓空白的地方沒有空白,不該有逗點的地方卻有逗點 ^_^ 泥的答案在偶的機子上跑出來的結果... ==== Gale,Dorothy OFFICE_02 TEL_NUM_02 Hancock,John OFFICE_03 TEL_NUM_03 W.,Adrian Jones OFFICE_01 ==== == 這二大題難就難在輸出格式,如果大家都不照格式去寫,那這就失去它的意義 總之,該排序的地方就要排序,格式要注意的地方就得注意,不然偶就白問了 = =a |
送花文章: 5387,