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2006-12-28, 06:23 PM | #1 |
求助 - 請幫忙解讀無法開機的訊息..
checking file of system on F: The Volume is dirty.... CHKDSK...... 再來就是一直出現...inserting an index entry into index $0 of file 25的訊息 . .而且整個畫面都是...然後就停在這畫面跑不完...除非拔除另一只利用PCI轉卡的硬碟(就是F:碟..它未分割320G..NTFS格式...非開機用)....請問這些文字是什麼訊息?如何解決? 如果讓它繼續跑下去...F:碟中硬碟內的資料會不會消失? 註:硬碟和轉卡都買將近一個月左右...會使用轉卡是因為舊主機板無法使用這顆大容量硬碟! 謝謝大家! 此帖於 2006-12-28 11:09 PM 被 enjoy-R 編輯. |
送花文章: 434,
2006-12-29, 06:48 AM | #5 (permalink) | |
淺藍色上下各一條深藍色的畫面→跑出訊息→checking file system on f: the type of the file system is NTFS The volume is dirty CHKDSK is veviflying file(stage 1 of 3) file verificatin completed CHKDSK is veviflying indexes(atsge 2 of 3) 1....100(讀秒的數字)percent completed 再來整個畫面.... inserting an index entry into index $0 of file 25 inserting an index entry into index $0 of file 25 inserting an index entry into index $0 of file 25 inserting an index entry into index $0 of file 25 ↓ .......都是inserting an index entry into index $0 of file 25... 該讓它跑下去嗎?(好像會很久,或不停)因為我怕資料流失......至於夏天大提的除了換PCI槽(因為全插滿了)未做(放假再來做)其他試過了,power是400w的,謝謝大家! |
送花文章: 434,