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2007-01-14, 10:59 PM | #1 |
疑問 - 如何移除ActMon Commander
請問大大,要如何移除ActMon Commander
謝謝唷 |
送花文章: 7,
2007-01-15, 06:34 AM | #2 (permalink) |
I need to remove ActMon from my PC but deleted the uninstaller already.
Reinstall ActMon. Then uninstall with the standard uninstall function: To uninstall open ActMon Commander, click on the SETTINGS tab strip, click Uninstall (Home Edition) or click the "Advanced Installation" button and then the "Uninstall" button (PRO Edition) http://www.actmon.com/am/faq/ http://www.scanspyware.net/info/Actmon.htm |
送花文章: 5,
2007-01-17, 05:48 AM | #4 (permalink) |
Reinstall ActMon. Then uninstall with the standard uninstall function: To uninstall open ActMon Commander, click on the SETTINGS tab strip, click Uninstall (Home Edition) or click the "Advanced Installation" button and then the "Uninstall" button (PRO Edition)
重新安裝actmon,再移除actmon,移除時使用標準方式(看一下是不是要從控制台-新增移除程式內,要點變更,就好像office),點設定-點移除或點進階安裝的按鈕,然後再移除 ps.這程式不是英文嗎,英翻中再翻回英時,可能感覺都不對了 所以你可以看著英文,再去比照你程式內是不是也有相同的英文 再慢慢玩它 很久沒遇到你了,你現在認為傳檔案給別人是合理的嗎 |
送花文章: 5,