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2007-02-15, 06:07 AM | #1 |
疑問 - 請教各位大大為什麼我的xp開始=>所有程式裡面的程式都不見了?
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2007-03-04, 04:15 AM | #5 (permalink) |
我也有相同問題, 找了很久才找到方法, 希望可幫壓其他人吧!
http://xperiencexp.blogspot.com/2005...u-missing.html "All Programs" Menu missing The Problem:- When you Click Start button and navigate to "All Programs",you find the menu is missing. Resolution:- Start>Run>Regedit>ok Now navigate to the following keys:- HKEY CURRENT USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell FoldersSet Start Menu value to "%USERPROFILE%\Start Menu" HKEY LOCAL MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders Set Common Start Menu value to "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Start Menu" Close the registry editor and restart the machine. |
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