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舊 2007-05-03, 11:46 PM   #1
alrex5401 帥哥
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預設 求助 - 有大大可以教我用 Kerio WinRoute Firewall 嗎?

請問版上有大大正在使用Kerio WinRoute Firewall嗎??



去搜尋後~才發現Kerio WinRoute Firewall是這麼厲害的腳色!!



作者: psac 查看文章
Kerio WinRoute Firewall v6.2.3.2027 | Win32 |Size: 26.60 MB

Kerio WinRoute Firewall is a corporate gateway firewall for small and medium-sized businesses. Equipped with VPN server, optional embedded McAfee Anti-Virus, integrated customizable ISS Orange Web Filter, and user-specific Internet access management, Kerio WinRoute Firewall provides a multi-layer architecture for protecting networks, servers and users.
Kerio WinRoute Firewall sets new standards in versatility, security and user access control. Designed for corporate networks, it defends against external attacks and viruses and can restrict access to websites based on their content.

Deep inspection firewall
Kerio WinRoute Firewall, certified by ICSA Labs in the Corporate Firewall category, includes detailed rule definition to perform stateful inspection and protocol inspection of all outgoing and incoming Internet traffic. A network rules wizard assists in the rapid setup of the firewall. Bandwidth Limiter optimizes the data throughput for business critical applications.

Kerio's built-in SSL-based VPN server works in both client-to-server and server-to-server modes, allowing both branch offices and remote workers to securely connect to the corporate LAN. Clientless SSL VPN allows remote users to connect securely to the corporate network for file sharing from any computer with a browser and Internet connection.

Antivirus gateway protection
Kerio WinRoute Firewall provides optional virus scanning of inbound and outbound email, web traffic, and FTP transfers. In addition to a version with integrated McAfee Anti-Virus, there are several other anti-virus options to choose from.

Surf protection
The integrated ISS Orange Web Filter option blocks users from accessing to up to 58 categories of web content, reducing legal liabilities for corporate and educational environments.

Content filtering
Kerio WinRoute Firewall offers a variety of content security features such as MP3 music download blocking, filtering for potentially dangerous executable files or blocking of annoying pop-up windows. The P2P Eliminator automatically detects and blocks peer-to-peer networks such as Kazaa.

User-specific access management
Each user in the network can be required to log in to Kerio WinRoute Firewall before connecting to the Internet. That allows for restrictive security and access policies to be applied based on the specific user, rather than the IP address. Transparent Active Directory support simplifies user account mapping to Windows domains, and an auto-add feature allows for creation of user-specific policies before users autheticate.

Fast Internet sharing
Support for DSL, cable modems, ISDN, satellite, dial-up or wireless Internet allows administrators to deploy Kerio WinRoute Firewall in networks of all sizes and in all locations. Users can share one Internet connection with fail-over to a backup connection.

VoIP and UPnP support
Kerio WinRoute Firewall allows H.323 and SIP protocols to connect through it, eliminating the need to publicly expose the VoIP infrastructure to the Internet. Also, it integrates UPnP technology so that compliant applications such as MSN Messenger run instantly without requiring additional configuration at the firewall.

Administration, alerts and statistics
The administration console can be installed remotely to allow secure configuration from anywhere on the network. Every important event is reported to the administrator by email. Well-arranged charts and statistics help spot the problems and usage habits.
WinRouteFirewall 6
  Kerio的WinRoute Firewall是一個能夠實現公司多台電腦共享一個單一的Internet連接上網的代理服務器(Proxy Server),同時也是一個獲得了ICSA認證的企業級的防火牆(corporate firewall),他的防火牆能力是其它硬體和軟件的有力競爭者。
  WinRouteFirewall 6不僅僅是一個防火牆軟件,其中還所有連接聯機共享功能 。該軟件也具有超強病毒防護的功能,可以幫你監控 HTTP and FTP 聯機進出是否有危害的病毒。
· 完整的Kerio VPN New in 6.0
· 帶寬管理 New in 6.0
· Email病毒過濾支持 New in 6.0
· 通過NAT和代理服務器實現Internet共享
· 遠端管理
· ICSA防火牆認證
· 彈出視窗和標語的過濾
· 內容過濾器
· 非標準協議支持(IPSec, UPnP, VOIP,等等)
· Internet連接失敗轉接支持
· McAfee防病毒網路閘道器整合
· 支持所有的Internet連接(xDSL、撥號、Cable modem、衛星通訊、LAN等等)

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