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2007-07-24, 01:46 PM | #1 |
求助 - Adobe Acrobat 7.0如何控制無法另存新檔.
各位好,Adobe Acrobat 7.0保全設定試了很久,但還是可另存新檔,請問可否有高手可指教如何讓Adobe檔案可開啟,但不可另存新檔,謝謝! |
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2007-07-24, 10:17 PM | #4 (permalink) |
This might not be possible - once you allow users to read the file, the content of the file is actually stored in the computer memory. "Save as" function basically save whatever in the memory to a new file. I don't think you can control "Save As" once you allow "read" to the target pdf file.
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