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#1 |
![]() -------------------- 閱讀本主題的最佳解答 -------------------- Write a program of a dice game. 1.The computer and the player are given 100 dollars wager. 2.The player decides the number of dices to roll (It should be larger than 0). 3. The computer and the player roll the dices. 4.Whoever has the larger total is the winer. 5. Whoever wins twice wins a set of game. The winner gains the wager of 20 dollars and the loser looses the wager of 20 dollars. 6. A player can keep playing the game or quit the game. 7. The game is over when the player or the computer looses all the wager. 8.Once the game is over, the player can start a new game or quit the game. A possible run may look like: ************************************************** Welcome to the dice game! ************************************************** Player's wager: 100 Computer's wager: 100 Enter the number of dices to roll (>= 1): 0 Try again! Enter the number of dices to roll: 2 Roll the dice (Push any key to roll)? Player: 3 3 Computer: 2 6 => Computer wins once. Roll the dice (Push any key to roll)? Player: 2 5 Computer: 3 4 => No winner. Try again! Roll the dice (Push any key to roll)? Player: 2 6 Computer: 1 3 => Player wins once. Roll the dice (Push any key to roll)? Player: 4 6 Computer: 3 5 => Player wins the set. Player's wager: 120 Computer's wager: 80 ================================================== Continue (Y/N)? Y Enter the number of dices to roll: 3 Roll the dice (Push any key to roll)? Player: 3 3 6 Computer: 2 6 5 => Computer wins once. ..... ..... Player's wager: 200 Computer's wager: 0 ==================== Game Over! ================== Start a new game (Y/N)? Y .... 這該怎麼寫勒......... 可以給我參考一下嗎 |
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送花文章: 5,
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#2 (permalink) |
![]() 語法:
#include<iostream> using namespace std; int main(){ int i,r,n,w[2],s[2],m[2]={100,100}; char p='y'; //p表示否繼續玩,陣列0為玩家,1為電腦,w表贏的次數,s表骰子和,m表金錢數 cout <<"Welcome to the dice game!"<<endl; for(i=0;i<30;i++) cout <<"*"; srand(time(NULL)); cout <<endl<<"Player's wager: 100"<<endl<<"Computer's wager: 100"; while(p=='y'){ w[0]=w[1]=0; cout <<endl<<"Enter the number of dices to roll (>= 1):"; while(cin >>n){ //n表骰子數目 if(n>0) break; cout<<endl<<"Try again! Enter the number of dices to roll:"; } while(1){ s[0]=s[1]=0; cout<<endl<<"Roll the dice (Push any key to roll)?"<<endl; cin >>p; cout <<"Player:"; for(i=0;i<n;i++){ r=(rand()%6)+1; cout <<" "<<r; s[0]+=r; } cout <<endl<<"Computer:"; for(i=0;i<n;i++){ r=(rand()%6)+1; cout <<" "<<r; s[1]+=r; } if(s[0]>s[1]){ //玩家贏 if(w[0]>0){ cout <<endl<<"=> Player wins the set."<<endl; m[0]+=20;m[1]-=20; break; } cout <<endl<<"=> Player wins once."<<endl; w[0]++; } if(s[1]>s[0]){ //電腦贏 if(w[1]>0){ cout <<endl<<"=> Computer wins the set."<<endl; m[1]+=20;m[0]-=20; break; } cout <<endl<<"=> Computer wins once."<<endl; w[1]++; } if(s[0]==s[1]) cout <<endl<<"=> No winner. Try again!"<<endl; } for(i=0;i<30;i++) cout <<"="; cout <<endl<<"Player's wager: "<<m[0]<<endl<<"Computer's wager: "<<m[1]<<endl; if(m[0]>0&&m[1]>0){ //是否繼續遊戲 cout <<"Continue (Y/N)?"; cin >>p; } else{ for(i=0;i<20;i++){ if(i==10) cout <<" Game Over! "; cout <<"="; } cout <<endl<<"Start a new game (Y/N)?"; //是否結束遊戲 cin >>p; m[0]=m[1]=100; } } system("pause"); return 0; } 此帖於 2007-11-11 03:02 PM 被 joebin 編輯. |
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送花文章: 15,
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