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舊 2007-12-07, 05:37 AM   #1

UID - 285008
在線等級: 級別:0 | 在線時長:4小時 | 升級還需:1小時
註冊日期: 2007-11-07
文章: 24
精華: 0
現金: 35 金幣
資產: 35 金幣
預設 疑問 - Write a C program to simulate a 6 star lottery game.




Write a program to simulate a 6 star lottery game. The rule is as follows:
1.A lottery ticket cost NT $50.
2.The lottery number is from 000000 to 999999.
3.A player can pick 6 numbers from 0 to 9.
4.The game has 4 types of awarding prize:
6 stars: The selected 6 numbers are in the same order as the 6 lottery numbers. - NT $200,000
5 stars: Last 5 numbers are in the same order as the last 5 lottery numbers. - NT $20,000
4 stars: Last 4 numbers are in the same order as the last 4 lottery numbers. - NT $2,000
3 stars: Last 3 numbers are in the same order as the last 3 lottery numbers. - NT $200

The game is going in the follow way:
1.Display a welcome message to the game. A player enters her or his name.
2.A player can select the number of tickets the player wants to buy and decide if the computer selects the numbers or the player selects the numbers.
3.A player enters the numbers or the computer selects the numbers based on the player's decision.
4.Print the receipt.
5.The player can choose to buy more tickets or not.
6.Show the lottery result.
7.Calculate how much the player spends and wins.
8.The player can choose to continue a new game.
9.A possible run could look like as follows:

Welcome to the Happy Lottery Game!
Your name: Rita
Rita, welcome to the game!
Enter the number of tickets you want to buy: 2
Computer or Player select (C/P)? P
Select numbers: 1 3 7 6 8 0
Select numbers: 6 7 5 4 2 9
Rita's Receipt:
Total pay: 100
Thanks for your playing Happy Lottery.
Play more (Y/N)? Y
Enter the number of tickets you want to buy: 1
Computer or Self select (C/P)? P
Select numbers: 2 7 6 3 8 2
Rita's Receipt:
Total pay: 50
Thanks for your playing Happy Lottery..
Play more (Y/N)? N
The lottery result is:
1 2 6 3 8 2
Rita! Congratulations! You won 3 stars.
You spent NT $150 and won NT $200.
Quit the game (Y/N)? N
Welcome to the lottery game!
Your name: Mary
Rita, welcome to the game!
Quit the game (Y/N)? Y
Thanks for playing!
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