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2003-03-22, 09:56 AM | #1 |
但是只有c槽會而已..其它d以後的又不會... 這要如何解決阿........ |
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2003-03-25, 04:15 PM | #5 (permalink) |
The problem is that you cluster size is to low. Install partition magic go to the advanced tap and reset the cluster size to 16k. Your computer will reboot into dos then reboot again and its fixed
http://support.microsoft.com/default...b;en-us;229154 |
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2003-03-29, 10:21 AM | #6 (permalink) |
The problem is that you cluster size is to low. Install partition magic go to the advanced tap and reset the cluster size to 16k. Your computer will reboot into dos then reboot again and its fixed
你的意思是?用 partition magic ??........ 看得懂的人請解釋一下好嗎? |
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