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2009-07-16, 09:00 AM | #1 |
藝術 - 泡泡破掉的過程
送花文章: 56979,
有 17 位會員向 lutunhsiang 送花:
ccbear (2009-07-22),chiu31 (2009-07-18),grc45 (2009-07-17),joann (2009-08-09),KL-iris (2009-07-16),Living (2009-07-16),Phantom (2009-07-17),pingewu (2009-07-16),q1030498 (2009-07-17),stevenjany (2009-07-19),TONGSDC (2009-08-10),tw123 (2009-07-17),uplander (2009-07-16),vt9 (2009-07-17),WEST (2009-07-16),zouyunhoa (2009-07-17),阿日 (2009-07-16)
感謝您發表一篇好文章 |
2009-07-16, 09:59 AM | #3 (permalink) |
查了一下 When I took this bubble shot, it popped, so I thought 'I've either got it or I haven't'. But I think I might have actually caught the moment of the popping. I didn't think this would be possible at such a low shutter speed (1/200), but all that disturbance on the bottom left corner is telling the story. I've probably taken 20,000 bubble shots (seriously!), so it's not surprising if I capture the odd strange moment. As strange moments go, this is a peach! 這叫....亂槍打鳥之王 還是愚公移山現代版 |
送花文章: 78006,
2009-07-17, 01:27 AM | #7 (permalink) | |
送花文章: 71895,
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