2009-12-15, 10:36 AM | |
研究 - 放下與接受 - 淺論英文寫作
聆聽外語的節奏與發音,進而掌握該語言的特有腔調是很重要的,您要客觀地融入該主流社會的文化精華篇;而非那些以主觀意識來論述(這點自己是無法察覺的,要靠當地人來調教),比方說,本人當年剛到加拿大時,在入學前的一篇鑑別寫作能力的短文中,題目是很容易發揮的「第一夫人的角色」,文章是得了個40/40=100% (Content:10/10; Grammar:10/10; Spelling:10/10; Style:10/10)教授給的評語(Comments)為︰
- Good manipulation of grammar. - Great use of transitions! - Good paragraph structure. - Good use of articles and capitals. - You have presented a strong opinion - good work! 這些我都記憶猶新,可是,Erica 她說(德國裔的教授,加拿大的第三代)︰這雖然是寫的很好,但是語氣卻完全非本地的(意指是外國人的寫法);她說︰要多揣摩本地的字彙運用,因為在寫作的時候要讓人起共鳴,就非要用本地的敘述方式才行,這也就是所謂「入境隨俗」。她又說︰你可以將文章拿去讓其他人下評語(加拿大人),這是篇典型的東方型敘述。要儘快的轉換過來,這樣才能讓你被大家接受,否則,文章寫的再好,也是篇很外國化的非主流語文;就像很多的具英文背景的加拿大本地印度英文報紙所給人的強烈語氣似的,所以這點要絕對避免的,假如你想真正的適應本地環境乃至於有良好發展的話,這些一定要改正過來﹗ 當時的我很不是滋味,後來才知道她的要求是對的,在往後寫作上,她就要我特別的注意到主流社會的媒體,如電視,廣播與報紙新聞等。當年僅24歲就跳級取得碩士學位的她(很漂亮,身材178公分,藍眼珠,很迷人﹗),對我有著不同於一般人的教授方法,因為我喜歡問,她就知道我的盲點在哪,所以她就特別喜歡出難題給我練習。她說︰加拿大的主流報紙 - 環球郵報 (Global and Mail) http://www.theglobeandmail.com/ 是她最為推薦的頂級英文學習主流報紙,聽力不妨借助 CNN 的電視報導(學習語言),加拿大的國家廣播公司 - CBS (學習聽力)也都是上選。就這樣才擺脫了她所點明的中式論述。 該文稿還在我的軟磁碟 floppy disk 中,我經常拿出來回味,現在貼上來獻醜︰ The Role of the First Lady The position of the First Lady is very unique. She has to act in many roles to fulfill various challenges, so responsibility and patience are essential. By definition, the First Lady is the most important person next to the president. She is not only the President's wife and her children's mother, but also an obvious role model to the public. Any action performed by her could deeply affect nature itself. A positive performance is critical. Being a First Lady is a very difficult task in many ways. First of all, she has to deal with family chores, such as taking care of her kids' education and health. Secondly, she has to work with her husband and coordinate the President's schedule with almost every important event. Her considerate support is essential. She has to backup the President's decision to gain the whole nation's recognition. Finally, she has to keep herself as wise as possible because any unwise and inapproapriate conversation may damage her husband's reputation. Nevertheless, the First Lady should make every effort to associate with every issue in the country. Since the First Lady is assuming fantastic responsibilities, her full support is absolutely necessary. Thanks for those wingless Angeles. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 時隔20年後的原題重新改寫 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The role of the First Lady is an ever changing position that is constantly redefined by each woman who holds the title. As a result, it is difficult to determine if the First Lady is expected to perform certain duties and behave in a particular way. Despite this uncertainty, it is widely assumed that the role of the First Lady should be a combination of domestic duties and political responsibilities. As the wife of the President, the First Lady is expected to be a gracious hostess, as well as a dominant political figure. Above all, the First Lady needs to be an advocate for important social issues. The First Lady should have the authority to decide on policy, and to make her own contributions to the country. For instance, Hillary Clinton embraced the role of a political and social advocate when she took it upon herself to reorganize the American health care system. In order to be successful advocate, as well as an advisor to her husband, the First Lady needs to be highly educated, naturally intelligent, and well spoken. Without these qualities, the First Lady cannot deliver the speeches and political campaigns that will ensure that her point of views is heard and respected by the American people. In short, the First Lady needs to an intelligent, personable, and flexible individual who is capable of balancing political and domestic responsibilities. . 此帖於 2010-03-13 07:28 AM 被 grc45 編輯. 原因: 增添原文前、後之各自論述與參考比較。 |
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2010-01-08, 12:34 PM | #32 (permalink) |
再來討論一篇最近鬧得沸沸揚揚的 decade 能否以複數形態出現的問題?答案是肯定的。
decade 以單數形態敘述時,它的定義為「十年的一個週期」,因為 decade 是可數名詞 (a countable noun) 所以它可以複數形態來論述或書寫。最詳細的用法應以 in the next few decades 或 in the next several decades 等這兩種敘述最為經典。 該位曾在美國任職20年的蔡教授,連這些最基本的文法都分不清楚,還強詞奪理說 decade 不能在字尾加s,真懷疑他以前的論文如何書寫的?真是留美的大人才呀﹗ |
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2010-01-08, 01:19 PM | #33 (permalink) | |
國內不乏英文高手,之後有教授已經指出蔡委員離開美國太久不作功課,說人家英文文法錯誤,自己反變成笑話 in the next decades的確很少人這樣用,但也是正確的用法 中文翻譯"端視未來十年/幾十年的情勢發展",其實這句話很有意思,明年也包括在未來十年之內,當然也包括未來幾十年之內,甚至未來幾百年...所以在野黨要擴大解釋s有何意義? ps:g兄真是有心人重寫20年前的文章,更見有力 |
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2010-01-10, 09:55 AM | #34 (permalink) |
冠詞(Article)之在英文中被運用於被敘述的名詞之前,在英文中的冠詞 a, an 與 The的用法為︰ a(用在子音開頭的名詞前)與 an (被用於母音開頭的名詞前),前者只的是 廣義 (general indicate something or someone)的敘述,如 I found a coin yesterday; 而後者為 狹義(specific indicate something or soemeone)的敘述法如︰緊接上例,如再在原文書寫或提起時,這時候就不能以 a coin 來提起了,此時必須使用 The coin........(第二次以後的重提就要以 The 而非 a 來運用,否則會讓瞎疑猜到底在說什麼?這些看起來很不顯眼,但在說、寫上就要定義清楚(正確的使用),否則會很困惑人。
. 此帖於 2010-03-15 08:02 AM 被 grc45 編輯. |
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2010-01-17, 05:36 AM | #35 (permalink) |
Dress-Up Your Pet Dogs are a man′s best friend. They have many good characteristics, such as sincerity, loyalty, alertness and the ability to cope with their owners. Dogs work very hard to get compliments and to show their honour. As positive feedback for their achievements, dogs may be reward with new clothes. For example, my wife always makes new clothes for our pet "Cookie". He feels very happy and fresh when he wears a colourful new dress. In the summer, short sporty clothing makes Cookie very agile. He can run very fast and his movements are quick, just like a flash. In the winter, he usually gets a sweater or a coat. All of Cookie's clothes are made by my wife. When my wife started to measure Cookie, he become very excited. This was evidence that Cookie appreciated his new image and that he was eager to show his friends. After Cookie puts on his new clothes, he walk very proud. It looks like he is a model showing off his new dress. Based on my pet's reaction, I believe that a pet can earn its dignity by wearing a new dress. So why don't we let our pets dress up? Remember, once Cookie gets a new dress he performs funny actions to amuse us. Therefore, animals, like dogs, know how to show their appreciation. . 此帖於 2010-03-13 07:17 AM 被 grc45 編輯. |
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2010-01-19, 01:25 PM | #36 (permalink) |
再來一篇當年的每日晨間的寫作練習(時間30分鐘)- 題名為"I Have a Dream",當時的教授很欣賞本篇,特別用她充滿關愛的眼神望著我,一直想試探我是否退休以後真的要去作慈善或傳教事業;她給的評語是︰This is a very nice piece. Very insightful.(寫得好;洞悉力強﹗)註︰以自己的體驗寫的當然寫的得心應手;虛構的文章寫的自己裡外不是人。
Isn't this world disturbing enough? People kill people and warfare is never ending. Many countries are very poor, and there are many starving people who constantly worry about their next meals. Don't we have any solutions for these problems? It is not wise to deal with challenges only through the government. Basically, politicians only care about their own interests. They are the most selfish creatures in the world. They bounce their cheques by giving excuses; push all of the responsibility on to others, and pretend they are the innocent ones. Instead of these non-productive organizations, I prefer to support Non Government Organizations. For instance, I have found that many religious groups are far better than any government organization. People trust non-profit organization and accept their generosity and fairness. They can work anywhere in the world without encountering political barriers. These organizations do their jobs well, and they can go anywhere in the world because of their positive reputations. These positive reputations are a convenient passport to enter the most needed areas. Thus, I have a dream. When I retire, I am going to do something similar to those religious charity groups. I would like to see people become happier, healthier and more hopeful. In my life, I have been helped by many religious organizations. From their selfless contributions, I have learned about true love, faith and hope. We don't see any of these actions being performed by the government. Peaceful minds can only come from God and his teachings. If we follow God, we won't get lost! . 此帖於 2010-01-19 03:48 PM 被 grc45 編輯. |
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2010-01-19, 01:52 PM | #38 (permalink) | |
放下「放空中文思維」與接受「全心全意的接受新語文」,當您說寫英語文時,若需要在腦內多做一道預先的中文翻英文的話,那就代表沒有確實的掌握好該語文的真實能力。 在說中文的時候有人喜歡夾著幾句英語來說,這在語文邏輯上是屬於半調子的,要就全中文頻道;要不就全英文的表述,這就顯示出偷吃步,語文跟練拳一樣,要意到神隨,李小龍的學習能力很驚人,他說了句很有哲學意涵的話,你不倒掉杯中的水,你怎能盛裝另外的飲料,真誠以對才會領會新學問。 成功來自自我的忠誠,連自己都不老實以對的人,他的態度學什麼都是二二六六的,換句話說就是軟手軟腳的四不像。 |
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2010-01-19, 02:37 PM | #39 (permalink) | |
找對學習方法比靠人提攜要來的實在可靠。學習靠的是興趣,只有興趣你才不怕吃苦。東方人學西洋拳時,我們就要暫時的放棄自己的國術功底,先放空自己,填滿新知識,你才能充分的吸收別人的真髓。等待學習到了一定程度,你會悟出什麼是最有效,最有用,最富價值與意義的真諦。到那時一切都又彷彿回到原點,心態有如嬰兒般的自然投入,沒有主觀排斥,只有客觀的接受。這樣的學習不會有任何的束縛,學習效果最佳。 談公事就應先聚焦在您的本職專長上,基本上,外國人到台灣已放慢速度在跟國人溝通了,那種放慢速度的妥協,就如我們在與外國人解釋國語樣的費勁。如果會話不是很犀利的話,您很難讓對方有意願與您周旋,要說話說到對方的心坎裡,你要用的是對方國的貼心語言,而不是不倫不類的中式英語。這點我經常聽到老外在抱怨,尤其是身居海外的華人,雖然他們的子女口音較為輕淡了,但還是不很投入主流,這要靜待第三代後才能解決了。口音不是主要問題,就連老美那麼多州也都各有各的腔調,但是他們能溝通的好是因為他們應用的俚語很透徹,這如同居住在台灣各地的人,再怎有地方的腔調,你還是能聽得懂他們在說什麼。所以,學習要廣泛的吸收新知,我每天看八份英文報,要學習的東西還很多,若我整天鬼混,那我就落伍了﹗在這個知識爆炸的世界裡,我深感時間的不足;閱讀是我的嗜好,我每天讀大量的文件與資料,有時候我很想對國內的年輕人說上兩句,我們已經落後別人很多了,知識就是力量。 要走捷徑的話,不要上什麼補習班,找個外國英文家教從口音,文法,發音與寫作來做個總提煉,但是這種投資要看值不值得?值得的話,銀子就花下去吧﹗若想圖方便兼免費的話,交個外國女孩子也是個好方法。聽廣播、看電視、電影等全神投入英語的環境裡,自我創造條件,正確抉擇與實在吸收;不要像上星期還聽到咱們台灣來的人在跟加拿大人聊,還用什麼個 FU,經我解釋後人家還一直在懷疑那是罵人的 Fxxx U呢﹗國內的俗語也太離譜了吧?Feeling 這個字再怎揣摩也沒有 FU 的影子,真是有夠扯的。 不管是 fu 或 FU,從來沒有人會發成 fju 的這種怪音的﹗全世界有許多說英語的國家,不妨試著把這兩個字母(先解釋在先是要問發音的,別讓人飽以老拳﹗)請教別人怎發的音;那兩個字母無論如何都發成「負、富、賦」音的,走遍天下都一樣。以英語的語法習慣,除非在 FU 之後還有其他音節,並在字尾是以靜默的 E 字母結尾的,那才能讓 FU 的音發成 fju(原字母的U音)。這點已經貽笑大方了,習英語者不得不慎﹗ . 此帖於 2010-01-20 02:46 AM 被 grc45 編輯. |
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2010-01-21, 10:37 AM | #40 (permalink) |
個人對大陸移民的內地特有的口音很有意見,他們可能因為曾經在鎖國的狀態下無法真正的接觸到英語,所以導致英語發音的深具地方口音的遺憾;不過,他們的孩子們(還不說他們是在國外出生的),就那些國小的孩子們來這後,英語就溜的不得了,一反他們父母親的很難了解的發音法(通常他們的教育程度都很高,讀寫與理解文章能力也不錯;但是一開口就好像是很難懂的外星語﹗),所以,環境的造就與放下傳統的框架,在學習過程是極度關鍵的。也就是說,在家使用中文,在外使用英文,然而不管如何,在學習時的讀、寫、說、聽等四大關鍵,就要真正的專心投入,精益求精,止於至善。多讀、多寫、多說、多聽,真正掌握各種工具,發揮它們的最大威力。盡性埋樁,不怕犯錯,膽大心虛,努力學習。 |
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2011-07-02, 03:57 PM | #41 (permalink) | |
該標紅處就是在 decade 後面加了個 s ,它就成了複數形態,這證明了 蔡同榮 教授的論點有很大的學術盲區;剛在重溫舊片時碰巧目擊到證據,今予適時鄭重提出,以正視聽。真不曉得是 蔡教授 在美國白混了?還是美國的英文水平實在太差而導致的無辜後果 - 無論如何辯解僅得三字來形容 - 可悲呀﹗ |
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2011-07-04, 08:11 PM | #42 (permalink) |
那個經理很喜歡賣弄知識..很頑固很堅持 他的手下業務大將就告訴我一個故事 有次經理特地打電話到美國 將一份資料與美國廠商研討 他告訴對方裡面有個字的文法用法錯誤 雙方爭辯後..最後那個美國佬大聲對經理說 你是美國人..還是我是美國人??我們美國人就是這樣說的 於是這個故事就在我們公司流傳開來了啦!! 其實國語也是如此啦!! 你有沒有看到..你有沒有吃過飯....這個文法也該是不正確的!! 但是我們都習以為常..聽得懂就好啦!! |
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2011-07-16, 07:32 PM | #43 (permalink) |
work flow中文翻譯是工作流程 working flow中文翻譯也是工作流程 在英文手冊中,都是習慣使用「working」,這兩者有什麼不同的點啊? 有誰可以說明,讓我明白 感恩+感謝 |
__________________ ﹒☆°﹒☆.﹒☆°﹒☆.﹒☆° °﹒☆°.﹒‧°∴°﹒°.﹒‧°∴°.﹒‧°∴°﹒☆...... ☆ 許好願 做好事 轉好運 一個願無量善緣;菩提心永不褪變 心中常存善解、包容、感恩、知福、惜福 |
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2011-07-16, 08:21 PM | #44 (permalink) |
work flow 可寫成 workflow 或 work-flow 等,不過以最前面的 work flow 較為正統英文所使用;至於 working flow 就較為鮮用,不過也通。若要追究原因,那就要對各使用英文國家的輕忽使用(Careless Using)去尋根了,就像典型的語文,被褻瀆濫用後,就也劣幣驅良幣了。語言可以以所謂的聽有(懂)就好來敷衍將就,但是語文(用於書寫時)就要有一定的講究了,它不能不有嚴謹的定義與規範。當今文化大開倒車,下一代耳濡目染後,也都變成了文化斷層人了。
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【違規】問英文寫作魔法師 | samjone | 一般電腦疑難討論區 | 1 | 2003-08-08 01:18 PM |
問 英文寫作魔法師 | samjone | 一般電腦疑難討論區 | 0 | 2003-08-08 11:07 AM |
英文寫作魔法師 | sislly2003 | 一般電腦疑難討論區 | 0 | 2003-03-18 12:17 PM |
請問哪有英文寫作魔法師正式版 | xrosex | 一般電腦疑難討論區 | 0 | 2003-03-17 04:19 AM |