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2003-04-06, 05:57 PM | #1 |
VBscript,所以砍掉了kernel32的關於任何東西。 不過砍到了,不該砍的東西,檔名叫做ntkernel.vxd 現在的情形是我的電腦開機10秒之後,出現多行的英文,如下: Cannot find a device file that may be needed to run Windows or a Windows application. The windows registry or SYSTME.INI file refers to this device file,butthe device file no longer exists. If you delete this file on purpose,try uninstalling the associated application using its uninstall or Setup Program. If you still want to use the application associated with this device file,try reinstalling that application to replace the missing file. ntkernel.vxd press a key to continue. 不知各位,看的懂不懂上面的訊息阿@@? 之後,我隨便按一個鍵,就可以進去。(我家是用98的= =) 我已經把登陸檔都還原了,不知道還會出現這個畫面,各位高手可以幫幫小弟嗎? 另外就是中了這種病毒,我已經用趨勢的掃毒程式清空了,還要注意什麼小細節。 請各位高手,告訴小弟如何做是好? 謝謝各位。 (若有高手知道如何解決,請寫信給我,lzd168@pchome.com.tw,謝謝) |
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2003-04-07, 11:25 AM | #3 (permalink) |
若要它不出現,請用System Mechanic 軟體的 Maintenance Wizard.
www.iolo.com |
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