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2003-04-08, 11:34 PM | #1 |
,煩請告知.謝了. |
送花文章: 0,
2003-04-09, 01:11 PM | #3 (permalink) | |
Re: 電腦鍵盤加鎖
看不太懂您的意思ㄟ... 如果要鎖鍵盤不鎖滑鼠的軟體, 下面這個軟體您可以試試... Desktop Lock Version 5.0 : h**p://www.toplang.com/desktoplock.htm The best lock desktop software! It can lock your system (Desktop, Keyboard, mouse etc) to prevent others from accessing it. After your desktop has been locked by it, no one can modify your documents even if they are open. No one can access your computer to browse your documents, or to modify your files. With DESKTOP LOCK no one else can reboot your computer with Ctrl+Alt+Del, or switch between programs with Alt+Tab. DESKTOP LOCK provides other powerful and useful features to allow you customize your own locked desktop even more extensively. DESKTOP LOCK supports all Windows platforms, including Windows 2000/XP. |
送花文章: 96,