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Smile 新聞轉貼 - Windows XP支持結束於2014年4月

Windows XP支持結束於2014年4月:什麼技術人員需要知道
德里克 - Wlodarz

期待已久的時代的結束來一個非官方結束於2014年4月8日。這是微軟說,所有的擴展支持將結束該公司曾經發布過的最好的操作系統之一的日期。 Windows XP中,大多數PC用戶在過去的10年以上的基石,是被正式淘汰,作為在各方面與微軟的產品“落日”的支持。我在它的全盛時期喜愛的Windows XP,但喜歡的Windows 7的多。

通常一個操作系統時代的結束並不多的一個大問題。 Windows Vista的主流技術支持發生,與我們擦身而過無多了一個眼色短短幾個月回來。但看到Vista有剛剛超過6 %,其餘的已安裝的用戶群,我不認為有必要多討論了如何處理其剩餘的忠誠。即使在2012年6月的Windows XP中有操作系統市場,這是了不起的一個操作系統,超過10歲已經是一個強有力的43 % + 。就實際情況而言,這意味著超過4每10個人電腦用戶仍然是工作的老平台上。電腦維修技術人員絕對有挑戰,讓客戶能夠遷移到了更堅實的Windows 7或尚未將要發布的Windows 8 。
雖然所有的新電腦系統,目前正在隨Windows 7的一些味道,真正的問題在於用戶的成群結隊我們仍然支持在XP上。作為顧問,我們的客戶,我們需要他們的情況考慮在內,並給他們最好的建議,當涉及到使用Windows XP的系統向前發展。許多問題浮現在腦海中,涉及這樣一個根深蒂固的用戶群。即使在支持兩端將XP的激活可用?會出現什麼情況,司機像在未來?我怎麼什麼意義了所有微軟已經釋放到周圍XP的未來市民的日期?
我想解決一些周邊的擺脫XP中最難的問題。這裡是我的一個在Windows XP上的非官方死亡Z導軌。
微軟推出的一些偉大的產品,但他們的公關部門並不總是最可靠的,當涉及到使所有圍繞操作系統的死亡日期的基本意識。下面是所有已知的日期適用於Windows XP的剩餘壽命簡潔的陣容,以及他們所有的意思:
2011年4月:最後的一個月,微軟允許新的PC銷售有Windows XP的直接安裝。戴爾,惠普和聯想都是一些知名廠商提供的PC ,直到這個日期與舊的操作系統。
2014年4月8日:每微軟在Windows XP正式生命週期策略,擴展了平台支持熄滅在這一天。那可能會突然出現非常嚴重的安全漏洞之外,沒有更一般的補丁將被釋放給操作系統修復功能或安全相關的問題。
2020年1月14日:最後的一個月,顧客在Windows 7將有“降級權利”搬回到Windows XP 。微軟延長該日期作為禮貌誰擁有操作系統明確業務需求的企業客戶。絕不是微軟提供這種作為綠色光繼續使用OS這漫長的正常的一天到一天的產量不過隨著用戶將開放給所有已知的安全隱患2014年4月以後。
會發生什麼在XP客戶電腦4月8日之後, 2014年?
沒什麼,真的。他們將繼續努力,為正常現象,不會有任何形式的限制強加的操作系統削弱它的用法上。但它的用戶要特別注意在最大程度未知。微軟已經公開表示,沒有新的補丁將被釋放的操作系統2014年4月之後(發現非常關鍵的安全漏洞之外。 )就像是Windows 98和Windows 2000現在的情況,驅動程序版本為新的硬件出來將啟動成為不存在的為XP的2014年4月期限後對可能或左右輕微。誰購買新的硬件,甚至否則完全可以勝任系統的客戶可能會開始遇到兼容性問題。第三方解決方案出現,以解決這些驅動程序的問題,但他們並不總是100 %保證所有的情況。底線? 2014年4月後使用XP是一個“風險自擔”的局面,為客戶。
將XP仍然能夠激活的4月8日之後, 2014年?
此功能會根據微軟依然存在。在PC世界一個帖子,微軟公開回應申明, Windows XP的激活將被Windows XP支持結束日期不會受到影響。對於需要(或選擇)設置運行XP新系統的任何客戶,他們仍然可以合法地激活他們的機器,採取一切被釋放為XP餘下的補丁優勢。同樣,我告誡不要使用這個作為一個綠燈持續XP的使用情況。我想以此作為更的情況下使用只在緊張的情況下迫使其最壞的情況的能力。
是否有財政原因搬離XP ?
在3年的時間跨度,使遷移到Windows 7的企業將看到投資137 %的回報。
當考慮到管理與諸如停機,惡意軟件和其他保養項目XP系統所需要的時間, Windows 7的增長生產率以每年每名工人長達7.8附加小時。
在每年的維護費用為運行Windows 7相比XP的一滴美元的巨額每年700系統。
一些技術人員可能會問的可能問題:不,這是否意味著我自己的諮詢時間僅僅是被削減的公式了呢?不盡然。我在管理硬件和軟件生命週期的前一篇文章中涉及這個非常的理論,但只是為了回顧一下我的信仰在這個概念:為客戶節省金錢浪費的IT資金只是讓他們再投資的現金投入,使他們更多的錢等領域,並帶你回折擴張在其他項目上。客戶/技術人員的關係不是一個零和遊戲。如果你能省錢的一個客戶在浪費一個地區,他們通常會獎勵你在經營中的另一面更多的服務(我看到在這一天,一天的FireLogic客戶移動到谷歌應用服務從Exchange 。 )這個理論的moreso適用於商業客戶,但基本可以適用於一些住宅的客戶。
我怎樣才能安全地切換XP自力更生客戶到Windows 7 ?
好問題! Windows 7專業版,企業版和旗艦版有一個特點,因為Windows 7出來了名為Windows XP模式。這使得用戶可以在Windows 7上運行XP的完全合法的虛擬副本,與運行XP的貧困計劃的本地操作系統無縫集成。這種模式並不適用於所有情況下工作,因為它在特定的自定義程序的一些用戶在線狀態問題,但就整體而言,我的經驗,它一直非常積極。它不花費任何額外費用,將完全符合Windows 7的整個產品生命週期的支持。您可以從Microsoft直接下載Windows XP模式(假設你正在運行我上面提到的受支持版本之一。 )
我應該有客戶等待Windows 8呢?
這取決於如果你的客戶,歡迎到激進的新設計改變未來的Windows 8中。我以前寫下的一些新的項目與Windows 8的未來,涉及到的電腦維修技術,但隨著新操作系統的最大挑戰肯定會引入Metro界面內吞沒。我不是要通過我自己的判斷地鐵是否會殺死或拯救的Windows 8為長期的,但我要說的是:如果你還沒有嘗試過的Windows 8 ,但你也許應該。如果僅僅是為了讓自己熟悉的客戶在今年開始呼喚你在十月下旬之前。
對於消費者在購買新電腦,今年,他們將十月下旬後,別無選擇。所有的機器正在從該點向前運會運動新的Windows 8在一個味或其他。適用於Windows 7降級權將繼續存在企業採購,其中電腦維修技術人員可能會採取的優勢,為他們的客戶的一些片段。我不認為很多企業將開放給運行Windows 8的想法,尤其是當他們剛搬進或遷移到Windows 7操作系統。讓我們面對現實吧: Windows 7中已經是一個堅如磐石的操作系統,只會更加鞏固自己作為真正的替代XP後,微軟發布了即將舉行的Service Pack 2的平台。
而關於微軟對提供Windows 8的新電腦買家計劃的最好的部分?如果您的客戶現在發生的土地之間的新系統,當贏8向公眾發布,它們可以嵌入升級到新的操作系統也不過區區15元。這甚至比蘋果的升級成本轉移到雪豹幾年前29美元便宜。
不要討論一個單打一遠離Windows XP中。財政存款是偉大的,但如何培訓成本和軟件兼容性?安全方面的改進是必要的,但如何為過渡期生產力損失?徹底在你的建議。
不要讓你的客戶作出最終決定。你被錄用為客戶提供專業的意見 - 不跑他們的生活。
目前做客戶有幾個邏輯的選擇上前進,與所有的優點和缺點每個。是Windows 7的真正屬於未來的唯一選擇?同樣,他們有卡住的Windows 8 ,如果他們不想要?做你的研究,並給他們一些選擇的,他們希望自己的那樣。
Windows XP中的死亡並沒有成為一個黑洞為您的客戶和您的操作。有了適當的準備,電腦維修技術人員可以為他們的客戶中肯的意見,同時保持在檢查所有相關的擔憂。

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Windows XP Support Ends in April 2014: What Technicians Need to Know
by Derrick Wlodarz
The end of a long overdue era comes to an unofficial end on April 8, 2014. This is the date in which Microsoft says all extended support will end for one of the best operating systems the company has ever released. Windows XP, the cornerstone of most PC users for the past 10+ years, is being officially phased out as Microsoft “sunsets” support for the product in all respects. I loved Windows XP in its heyday, but love Windows 7 that much more.

Usually the end of an operating system era is not that much of a big deal. Mainstream support for Windows Vista happened to pass us by without more than a wink just a few months back. But seeing as Vista has an installed user base of just over 6% remaining, I don’t think there is much discussion warranted for how to handle its remaining faithful. Even as of June 2012 Windows XP had a strong 43%+ of the OS market, which is remarkable for an OS that is over 10 years old already. In practical terms, this means that over 4 of every 10 PC users is still working on the aging platform. Computer repair technicians definitely have a challenge in getting customers to make the move to the more solid Windows 7 or yet-to-be released Windows 8.
While all new PC systems are currently being shipped with some flavor of Windows 7, the real problem lies with the droves of users we still support on XP. As consultants to our customers, we need to take their circumstances into account and give them the best possible advice when it comes to using a Windows XP-based system going forward. Many questions come to mind involving such an entrenched user base. Will XP activation be available even after support ends? What will the driver situation be like in the future? How do I make sense out of all the dates that Microsoft has been releasing to the public surrounding XP’s future?
I’d like to tackle some of the hardest issues surrounding the move away from XP. Here’s my A to Z guide on the unofficial death of Windows XP.
What Do All of These XP “End of Life” Dates Represent?
Microsoft puts out some great products, but their public relations department isn’t always the most reliable when it comes to making basic sense of all the dates that surround the death of an operating system. Here’s a concise lineup of all the known dates for Windows XP’s remaining lifespan, and what they all mean:
April 2011: The final month that Microsoft allowed new PC sales to have direct installations of Windows XP. Dell, HP, and Lenovo were some of the known vendors offering PCs until this date with the old OS.
April 8, 2014: Per Microsoft’s official Lifecycle policy on Windows XP, extended support for the platform goes dark on this day. Outside of very critical security flaws that may crop up, no more general patches will be released for the OS to fix functional or security related issues.
January 14, 2020: The final month that customers on Windows 7 will have “downgrade rights” to move back to Windows XP. Microsoft extended this date as a courtesy to business customers who have definite business requirements for the OS. By no means is Microsoft offering this as a green-light to continue using the OS this long for normal day-to-day production however as users will be open to all known security risks April 2014 beyond.
What Happens to Customer PCs on XP After April 8, 2014?
Nothing, really. They will continue to work as normal and there will not be any kind of limitations imposed on the OS crippling its usage. But it’s the unknown that users should be warned about to the fullest extent. Microsoft has publicly stated that no new patches will be released for the OS after April 2014 (outside of very critical security flaws found.) Just as is the case for Windows 98 and Windows 2000 now, driver releases for new hardware that comes out will start to become non-existent for XP likely around or slightly after the April 2014 timeline. Customers who purchase new hardware even for otherwise fully capable systems may start to run into compatibility issues. Third party solutions arise to get around these driver issues, but they are not always 100% guaranteed for all scenarios. The bottom line? Using XP after April 2014 is an “at your own risk” situation for customers.
Will XP Still be Capable of Activating After April 8, 2014?
This feature will still exist according to Microsoft. In a posting on PC World, Microsoft publicly responded to affirm that Windows XP activation will be unaffected by the Windows XP support end date. For any customers that need (or choose) to set up new systems running XP, they will still be able to legally activate their machines to take advantage of all the remaining patches being released for XP. Again, I caution against using this as a green light for continuing XP usage. I’d use this as more of a worst case scenario capability to be used only in tight situations necessitating it.
Are There Financial Reasons to Move Away From XP?
Most definitely. A new report from research group IDC brought to light many reasons why moving away from XP will not only help from a future-proofing perspective, but also to keep expenses on computer upkeep down. Some of the highlights from their study include:
Over a 3 year timespan, organizations that make the move to Windows 7 will see a 137% return on investment.
When taking account the time needed to manage XP systems relating to items such as downtime, malware, and other maintenance, Windows 7 increases productivity by up to 7.8 additional hours per year per worker.
Annual costs on maintenance for systems running Windows 7 compared to XP drop by a massive $700/year.
Some technicians may ask the likely question: doesn’t this mean that my own consulting time is merely being cut out of the equation? Not at all. I covered this very theory in a previous article on managing hardware and software lifecycles, but just to recap my beliefs on this notion: saving customers money on wasted IT funds merely allows them to reinvest the cash into other areas that make THEM more money, and bring YOU back into the fold for expansion on other projects. The customer/technician relationship is not a zero sum game. If you can save money for a customer in an area of waste, they will usually reward you with more service in another facet of their operations (I’m seeing this day in, day out for FireLogic customers I move to Google Apps from Exchange.) This theory applies moreso to business customers, but the basics can be applicable to some residential clients as well.
Will Customers Still Be Able to Download Patches After April 2014?
Microsoft will keep hosting all patches and service packs released through April of 2014, but no NEW updates will be released after this date. There will be no doubt that hackers and other nefarious malware writers will take advantage of all remaining XP users after this date, and hence why I will be pushing customers to rethink their XP usage going forward. I expect anti-malware software support for XP to continue well into past the middle of the decade, but start to drop off around 2016 or so.
How Can I Safely Switch Over XP-Reliant Customers to Windows 7?
Good question! Windows 7 Professional, Enterprise, and Ultimate editions have had a feature since Windows 7 came out called Windows XP Mode. This allows customers to run a fully legal virtual copy of XP within Windows 7 that seamlessly integrates with the native OS for running XP-needy programs. This mode doesn’t work in all cases, as some online users state issues with it on particular custom programs, but on the whole, my experience with it has been very positive. It doesn’t cost anything extra and will be fully supported within Windows 7 throughout the life of the product. You can download Windows XP Mode from Microsoft directly (given that you are running one of the supported versions I mentioned above.)
Should I Have Customers Wait for Windows 8 Instead?
This depends on if your customers are welcome to the radical new design changes coming in Windows 8. I’ve previously penned about some of the new items coming with Windows 8 that pertain to computer repair technicians, but the biggest challenges with the new OS will certainly be engulfed within the introduction of the Metro interface. I’m not going to pass my own judgement on whether Metro will kill or save Windows 8 for the long term, but I will say this: if you haven’t tried Windows 8 yet, you probably should. If only for the sake of getting yourself acquainted before customers begin calling you in late October this year.
For consumers purchasing new PCs this year, they will have no choice after late October. All machines being shipped from that point forward will sport the new Windows 8 in one flavor or another. Downgrade rights for Windows 7 will continue to exist for business purchases, which computer repair techs will likely take advantage of for some segments of customers they have. I don’t think many businesses will be open to the idea of running Windows 8, especially if they just moved or are moving to Windows 7. And let’s face it: Windows 7 is already a rock solid OS that will only solidify itself more as the true replacement for XP after Microsoft releases the forthcoming Service Pack 2 for the platform.
And the best part about Microsoft’s plans on offering Windows 8 to new PC buyers? If your customers happen to land new systems between now and when Win 8 is released to the public, they can snag an upgrade to the new OS for a mere $15. That’s even cheaper than Apple’s upgrade cost for moving to Snow Leopard a few years back for $29.
Computer Technicians Need to Help Advise Their Customers
Above all else, your top priority as a computer repair tech that customers look up to is to provide sound advice with the proper supporting details. You won’t be able to convert all XP users away from the dying OS, and nor should you consider this a reasonable goal. But getting the word out about the post-April 2014 security situation surrounding the OS and its declining support is likely where your customers will appreciate you looking out for their best interests in keeping them abreast on the changing OS landscape. In short:
Don’t settle on one plan of attack for all your customers. Everyone’s needs are different and you need to be mindful of them before you make recommendations.
Don’t discuss moving away from Windows XP on a one-track mind. Financial savings are great, but how about training costs and software compatibility? Security improvements are necessary, but how about productivity loss for the migration period? Be thorough in your suggestions.
Do let your customers make the final decision. You’re being hired to provide professional opinion - not to run their lives.
Do present customers with a few logical choices on going forward, with all the pros and cons for each. Is Windows 7 truly their only option for the future? Likewise, do they have to get stuck on Windows 8 if they don’t want to? Do your research and give them some choices for where they want their IT to be.
The death of Windows XP doesn’t have to be a black hole for your customers and your operation. With the proper preparation, computer repair technicians can provide sound advice for their clients while keeping all pertinent concerns in check.
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新聞轉貼 - Windows XP「倒計時」 用戶不滿意 lutunhsiang 時事、科技、娛樂新聞話題討論區 2 2013-11-23 07:14 AM
如何啟動Windows XP 專業版 ttnyhawx 一般電腦疑難討論區 4 2003-02-04 05:03 PM
WINDOWS XP SP1 kao641009 軟體應用問題討論區 2 2003-01-03 02:42 PM
微軟發布 Windows XP 重大更新(2002/12/19) 不飛 軟體應用問題討論區 34 2002-12-20 02:15 AM

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