2015-12-07, 08:12 AM | #17 (permalink) |
__________________ Sexy Womans from your town |
送花文章: 2496,
2015-12-07, 09:12 AM | #21 (permalink) | |||
先冷靜點,好嗎, 以旁觀者的立場來看,很多句都是指著鼻子在罵的, 由於2位的內容在後期已經等於是吵起來了, 我就只貼出個人認為第一時間引燃稻草的內容吧 引用:
===================== 回正題,每個人辛苦拍攝的照片(手繪作品/錄影內容...等等), 對當事人來說,都有其心目中的價值, 尤其是當事人並非在【所謂的專業到極點的技術性論壇 炫耀自己的拍攝成果】, 在這種情況下被指著鼻子罵: 你拍的好爛哦/你有沒有學過呀/去作作功課吧... 請問有誰會爽呀 (被罵的人會心想:有本事你來呀,你的作品呢?空口說白話誰不會呀) 再者,要指導別人也應該是用自身的經驗, 而非【我的親戚/朋友/某論壇的友人】相當聰明,超級有經驗~ (真要這麼做,也麻煩請他們來此註冊,來此發言~好嗎, 多一個有能力,有專業經驗的人來史版發言,也是好事一件呀) |
__________________ 姜太公釣魚~ 願者上鉤 |
送花文章: 4036,
向 cwvdavid 送花的會員:
grc45 (2015-12-07)
感謝您發表一篇好文章 |
2015-12-07, 09:38 AM | #22 (permalink) | |
辛苦發表沒關係,問題是週日的休閒時間應該是愉快的,忙的不得了,那是我的遺憾,我無法不照顧到其他的人、事、物。 比如,我們全家每週末或日都會聚在一起共享天倫,在孩子們都很開心的團聚在家時,我會開挑釁文來激起無端的三尺浪? 從挑釁者的所有文章,可以尋知他是個什麼人格特質的人。然而開此文是要討論些基本的技巧而非在炫耀或筆戰。 例如,我從不以某某人是我的攝影界好友來助抬自己的聲勢,亦或以自己的朋友擁有多貴有多了不起的相機。 這些要討論的話,就不合我的個人做法,因為我是一步一腳印的辛苦走過來的。 原本很開心的想在此分享些攝影照片的經驗與心得,無奈不想此問變成了筆戰的主戰場。 點燃導火線不是我,因為我的初衷是要一些仍使用著機械式老相機或鏡頭的朋友們來討論。 其中要討論的是如何能以非現代化的數位相機來拍,因為還有相當部份的朋友們他們仍保有30年以上的鏡頭。 因此,我就把 J.R.小姐和自己昔日所拍過的照片貼上來,因為那些是她和個人自己親手以手動的方式拍攝的, 很遺憾的,我並非要在此比較數位式相機,因為本版就我以前認識的一些同好們仍有收藏些多年前的老鏡頭。 原文發表的目的是請老發燒友們來討論,因為這些基本的攝影技巧縱使在今日,它們的理論技術還是不變。 就這麼單純的基本技術的再運用的文章,竟被有心人猛烈的攻擊。我並非弱者,但我珍惜自2002年加入後的初衷。 那就是分享,我對本版的感情建立在和睦相處上,對於版上的貢獻或許不多,可我堅信這種方式正是我們共同需要的。 我在多倫多的前個地址(2010年前的),地址上就是所謂的一柱香: 1 Longford Cres., 所有台籍的朋友們都說很有意思,它沒貶抑的意思﹗ 我的確是被有心人潑了冷水,辛苦編輯的文章竟然會讓他感到如此的激動。原目的是要討論J.R.的近期作品,順便亦貼上了從自己臉書上尚還保留的孩子們年小時的照片。 又再貼上我最近才用原先34年前買的 Nikon Nikkor AI-s 鏡頭,裝在 Nikon 數位機身上,並請老婆幫忙拍攝,以便用來探討老舊非電子化鏡頭的再生而已。 看到心血被蹧蹋,我不想讓他繼續作梗,他的語氣用意充滿了輕視與挑釁..... 下午全家要去靶場射擊前,為了不想讓此地淪為是非之地,所以就刪除了..... 關於此事,情非得已,不過這也不會再發生了。 感謝大家的愛護與共同維護本版的多年辛苦,我很珍惜這份情緣。 史版原本是充滿幸福歡笑與真誠感人的地方,我貢獻都來不及了,怎會反其道而行? 對於刪除一事,我也很懊惱,但是要再寫回(恢復)原文,我已經無法再恢復原貌了。 造成困擾,我深感不安,在此致上十二萬分的抱歉﹗ . 此帖於 2015-12-08 03:18 PM 被 grc45 編輯. |
送花文章: 71895,
向 grc45 送花的會員:
getter (2015-12-07)
感謝您發表一篇好文章 |
2015-12-07, 10:34 AM | #26 (permalink) |
寫了這麼多怎麼就這麼刪了 (有點可惜,起碼對mini來說打一篇要花10來分就是一種投資)
其實mini會選擇關閉主題 以前的論壇時代 也在很多地方註冊會員 但現在就只剩史萊姆 所以幾乎發的文就這麼個唯一 以前還喜歡分享原創經驗 後來感覺沒什麼人氣 格格不入 就漸漸選擇自己享受 (其實主要是感覺講出來就有點失效) 所以 能感受到刪除原創文章的心裡感受 以前也遇到過踢館 後來得到的結論是 辯來辯去是浪費時間 (網路辯文根本是不可能分出輸贏,有的只剩忿忿不平) 所以啦 對於踢館 教(開主題者) 一招 把你要說的話說完後 關閉主題即可... (要說沒風度那請對方自己開個主題自言自語吧) |
送花文章: 2027,
2015-12-07, 10:59 AM | #28 (permalink) |
我可以在寒冷的天氣下使用我的 Nikon 相機嗎?
https://help.nikon.ca/app/answers/de...emperatures%3F Can I use my Nikon camera in cold temperatures? Answer ID 13832 | Published 01/11/2006 08:39 AM | Updated 12/09/2014 02:38 PM Can I use my Nikon camera in cold temperatures? Tips on photographing in sub-zero temperatures Nikon cameras are designed to work under specific operating temperatures. To confirm the operating temperatures for your camera, please refer to your cameras User manual. In the majority of cases these temperatures are between 0 to +40 degrees C (+32 to +104 degrees F). Nikon can not guarantee full functionality of a camera when used outside its specific operating range. However you might find the following tips helpful if you are working in sub-zero temperature conditions. Battery usage One of the main issues that occur under sub-zero conditions is that battery life is greatly reduced. The cold conditions affect the electrochemical processes within the battery as the temperature drops. The chemical reaction within the battery which produces the power slows down and results in the battery being exhausted much quicker than if it was warm. Under sub-zero conditions keeping one or two batteries in an inside pocket of your coat etc so that the battery is warmed by your body heat and swapped regularly with the battery in the camera will assist in keeping the temperature of the battery in the camera up to a good working condition. Condensation When moving cold cameras and lenses into warm conditions, it is important to be aware of the adverse effects of condensation. Condensation is caused when there is a rapid change in temperature and water can form on surfaces that are significantly colder / warmer than the air around it. The adverse effects of condensation can result in airborne water becoming deposited on the internal surfaces of the camera and may affect performance, particularly optical components and sensitive micro-electronics. There are two methods we would recommend to avoid this. Let the camera and lenses acclimatise gradually to the warm temperature by storing the camera in a bag or case and make it easier for the camera to dry. 1. If you have been outside in the cold for a period of time your camera bag will also be cold. Pack your camera equipment in your bag before you go indoors. The cold outside air is dry and the bag is cooled gradually, so any moisture transfers away from it. Allow the bag to stand undisturbed and allow the equipment to warm up slowly. 2. If for some reason you take the camera directly into the warm indoors air, remove the lens cap and see what happens with the lens / viewfinder eyepiece. Condensation will form on the glass and there will probably also be condensation inside the camera as well. Detach the lens from the camera body and let it rest without the lens caps. Let the camera rest without body caps and remove the memory card and battery with the memory card door and battery door open. Allow the camera to acclimatise like this until it reaches room temperature and the risk of condensation is gone. Avoid the camera lying open in this way in a dusty environment but choose a place where the risk of dust getting inside of the camera body is minimized. DSLR’s designed with gloves in mind Warm clothing and gloves are essential under extreme weather conditions and many of our DSLR’s are designed with the use of gloves in mind. This means that the design of the shutter release and other camera functions are easier to activate when wearing gloves. An option for long periods outside is to wear a thin glove under a pair of gloves with cut away fingers. This allows full control of the camera options and menus while still allowing flexibility to move and take the image at the right time. This will be dependant of the temperatures you are shooting under. Holding you camera with two hands Increased cold can make it harder to grip and hold your camera steady. Holding the camera with two hands or leaning against an object to improve stability while shooting are worthwhile considerations and can improve the quality of your images. Keeping the camera strap on is a good idea as moving around in cold conditions can result in misplacing you footing and possibly slipping. If the camera is on a strap it can avoid the need for repairs. Rain covers for cameras Ice and snow do lead to the possibility of the camera and lens becoming wet. In some circumstances the use of rain covers are recommended, which are available through third party companies. Many Nikkor lenses have rubber seals on the bayonet mount but these are not guarantees against water ingress under heavy rainfall. The rubber seal can be seen by looking for a small rubber rim on the edge of the lenses bayonet mount. Choice of kit The weight of your photography kit is an important consideration in sub-zero conditions. Limit your kit to the essentials you need for the specific shoot you are on. Carrying more weight than you need will result in fatigue, loss of energy and concentration, which will affect your ability to produce good images. Avoiding changing lenses too often will also reduce the risk of moisture getting inside the camera / lens from snow or ice. |
送花文章: 71895,
向 grc45 送花的會員:
getter (2015-12-07)
感謝您發表一篇好文章 |
2015-12-07, 11:12 AM | #29 (permalink) |
所有的女友都是他們自己找上他的,他完全沒有主動追過女朋友。 在他們都在長大成人後,我的每張照片的公佈若不得他們的允許,我就無法再度公開。 還有太多家庭照和影片,例如,他們不允許我公佈射擊照,那麼我也只能尊重。 孩子們有許多的各種文章著作,我若未經過他們的許可(書面)轉發的話,那麼我就犯了侵犯版權和隱私罪。 這裡的法律連小孩子們洗澡照片(嬰兒時期)的一旦公佈就馬上循線逮捕,曝露孩童隱私照是刑事罪。 所以現在要再貼他們的照片,都要經過許可,這種尊重隱私的做法,我覺得有其意義,故從之。 |
送花文章: 71895,