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2003-05-02, 11:57 PM | #1 |
還是付費後才有此功能? (底下是他們的說明,我試過了,但還是無法使用) 我可以用Outlook或Netscape來收發Yahoo!奇摩電子信箱的信件嗎? Yahoo!奇摩電子信箱有支援pop3收信,您可以使用Outlook或Netscape接收Yahoo!奇摩電子信箱的信件。 Outlook Express的設定方式: 在 [工具] 功能表中選擇 [帳號] 在 [Internet 帳號] 對話方塊中按一下 [新增] 按鈕,選取 [郵件] 輸入您想要顯示的名稱,按 [下一步] 輸入您Yahoo!奇摩電子信箱的地址,按 [下一步] [內送郵件伺服器] 請選擇POP3伺服器 [內收郵件伺服器] 為 pop.mail.yahoo.com.tw, [外寄郵件伺服器] 為 smtp.mail.yahoo.com.tw,按 [下一步] 輸入您Yahoo!奇摩電子信箱的帳號和密碼,按 [下一步] [外寄郵件伺服器]內,勾選"我的伺服器需要查驗身份"。 最後按 [完成],即可完成設定 |
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2003-05-03, 01:45 PM | #6 (permalink) |
Hello You recently attempted to retrieve your Yahoo! Mail messages using a POP3 client such as Outlook Express. Yahoo! Mail no longer provides free POP3 Access or Auto Mail Forwarding to Yahoo! Delivers subscribers. If you would like to continue using Mail Forwarding or POP3 Access, please sign up for our improved package that allows you to: Use Outlook, Eudora, or another POP3 client to access and manage your Yahoo! Mail. Automatically forward your Yahoo! Mail to another email account -- even another Yahoo! address. Send larger attachments, now up to 5MB instead of the free 1.5MB limit. Send email without the Yahoo! promotional text at the bottom.* Sign up now Of course, you will still have free access to your Yahoo! Mail messages on the web at http://mail.yahoo.com. If you have just subscribed to this service, please disregard this notification. Sincerely, Yahoo! Mail For further information, please read our frequently asked questions. Please note that your Yahoo! Delivers settings will not be affected. *Applies only to email sent through the Yahoo! SMTP servers. |
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