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2003-05-04, 10:44 AM | #1 |
能告訴我該怎麼辦嗎???? 我的相簿http://photos.msn.com.tw/viewing/albumtheme.aspx 報歉我不會貼^^" |
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2003-05-04, 12:16 PM | #4 (permalink) |
interneet washer your computer may be recording many or all of your internet activites. personal privacy protection is possible with interner washer. download now and see what your computer has and is recording to your hard drive. common activities such as: *websites visited,pictures,videos and movies played,website cookies and cache,personal informationm and much much more may be actively recording on your computer. *windows is a copyright of microsoft corporation. internet washer and microsoft are not affiliated. *prwss the okay button to begin your privacy protection update. ----- 1 ok 1 ----- press anywhere on this window to contioue. 我看到的就是這些因為小弟英文不太好意思一之半解的請大家幫我看看謝謝!!! 我在xp跟2000都看到這個警告標語>"<,2000昨天才灌好的這視窗是最近才有的之前不曾看過!!! |
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