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2003-05-06, 11:28 PM | #1 |
合併成一個檔時,要如何才能完整的合併. 好比我現在的實例: 現在有個影像檔是1000kb的, 將它分割成十個檔案,每個檔案都是100kb的. 出現的分割檔為abc.wmv.001~abc.wmv.010 分割完後再合併的結果變成它的檔案只有001的100kb而已. 看到的影像檔也就只有看到十分之一而已, 請問我在做法上有什麼不對? 還有要如何完整的併成原檔案大小? |
送花文章: 0,
2003-05-07, 12:04 AM | #2 (permalink) |
When you want to sell this program, or use it commercially, you need the approval of the author. You may however or distribute an unchanged version HJSplit and charge distribution costs. HJSplit is a little Windows95/NT program useful for splitting large compressed or uncompressed files into smaller chuncks and joining them afterwards. The smaller chuncks are more transportable on disks or data-communications connections. When an error occurs, not the whole large file has to be transported or copied again. To split a file: Press 'split' in the main window Click on 'splitfilesize' to enter the chunck-size Click on 'file to split' to enter the input-file Then press 'start' You will get a message when ready The result is a collection of files in the same directory as the original file. The extentions of the new files are .001, .002, etc. To join the split-files: Press 'join' in the main window Click on files to join' (only *.001 files will be shown) Press 'start' You will get a message when ready To convince oneself of the accuracy of this program and its created files you can do either: 1 Create a checksum of the large original file by pressing 'checksum' in the main window. Split the file Join the file (when a file with the same name already exists, the extention '.joined' is added) Create a checksum of the joined file Compare the two checksums 2 Split the file Join the split-files on the same computer press 'compare' in the main window and in the compare window select the original and the '.joined' file. 但我想你的問題應該是有些檔案的crc32有問題 解決之道只有從新下載 |
送花文章: 0,
2003-05-07, 03:13 AM | #4 (permalink) |
使用方法:開啟hjsplit後,點選《加入》(J)那項, 第一行是輸入檔案(也就是你要合併的檔案位址)例如你舉例的檔案abc.wmv.001~abc.wmv.010,要選abc.wmv.001開啟, 第二行是輸出檔案位址(也就是合併出來的檔要放在哪裡)一般都會自動放在原資料夾裡, 接著按開始,他就會按著順序1•2•3•4接下去自動合併啦,合併完成關掉軟體就好啦,需要用hjsplit合併的檔案,都一定是由001開始的。 |
送花文章: 0,
2003-05-07, 05:41 PM | #7 (permalink) | |
你誤會我的意思了@@" 我是說用愛的機器可能會比hjsplit來的好用!而不是說用hjsplit分割出來的檔案可以用愛的機器合併........ |
送花文章: 6,