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2003-05-09, 07:57 PM | #1 |
我使用的作業系統是98SE,使用希捷30GB硬碟,之前將之分成C;D;E3個分割區,後來因為C槽出現壞軌,我就在這裡下載了一個FBDISK壞軌分割器,它真的成功將C槽壞軌給包覆了起來,但是不知道過程是出了什麼問題?它連同我的D槽;E槽都給隱藏了起來,導致30GB的空間只剩下2048KB而已,害我連GHOSE都做不成。(原來製作的98SE.GHO映像檔有2198KB) 即使我使用緊急開機磁片進入,強制刪除所有分割區也沒用 C:\>GDISK 1/DEL/ALL 螢幕上跳出這段文字之後....就沒下文了 CDR101: Not ready reading drive D Abort, Retry, Fail? 如果重開機由A槽進入系統,它則會顯示下面這一長串的文字: Windows 98 has detected that drive C does not contain a ralid FAT or FAT32 Partition. There are sereral possible causes. 1. The drive may need to be Partitioned. To create a Partition on the drive, run FDISK from the MS-DOS command prompt. 2. You may be using third-party disk-Partitioning software. If you are using this type of software, remove the Emergency Boot Disk and restart your computer. Then, follow the on-screen instructions to start your computer from a floppy disk. 3. Some viruses also cause your drive C to not register. You can use a virus scanning program to check your commputer for viruses. The diagnostic tools were successfully loaded to drive C. MSCDEX Version 2.25 copyright (C) Microsoft Corp. 1986-1995. All rights reserved. Drive D: = Driver MSCD001 UNIT0 Drive E: = Driver MSCD001 UNIT1 To get help. type HELP and press ENTER. A:\> 我不知道這一堆英文到底寫了什麼? (完全看不懂說...) 有哪位電腦高手可以幫幫我.... 我到底要給它什麼樣的指令?才能讓它把被隱藏的D;E槽給釋放出來,讓我順利的完成格式化...並且完成GHOSE的動作! 救救我吧! |
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