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2003-05-11, 07:43 PM | #1 |
什麼樣的軟體能監測到對方IP位址 ??
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2003-05-11, 08:55 PM | #3 (permalink) | |
Re: 什麼樣的軟體能監測到對方IP位址 ??
你的意是dns反譯ip位置吧!不叫ip監視....至於 看你要求監視的ip 是什麼功能? web.ftp ,單ip使用,局內網內,auto回報,監視流量,較變動,截網封包....等等,一般就是下幾例:能執續監視.... IP Monitor v1.6 IP Monitor is network utility for Windows which displays the current IP address of a computer in a window.?IP Monitor is also able to notify via FTP or email if a computer's IP address changes. Useful for network administrators to see what IP address a computer has assigned to it.?It is also useful for dial-up users who are issued a different IP address each time they connect. ========================================== IP.Sniffer.and.WebSniffer.v3.68 rogram Info IP Sniffer & Web Tracer is an AWARD-WINNING network tool to work with IP addresses. It combines Domain-to-IP Converter, Batch Ping, Tracert, Whois, Website Scanner and Connection Monitor as well as a IP-to-Country Converter into a single | interface. |
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