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2003-06-12, 11:50 PM | #1 |
請問一下,為什麼 系統的 效能中會會出現這樣的字樣? 相容模式的分頁方式降低整體系統效能。 磁碟機 C 正在使用 MS-DOS 相容模式檔案系統。 磁碟機 D 正在使用 MS-DOS 相容模式檔案系統。 磁碟機 E 正在使用 MS-DOS 相容模式檔案系統。 請問一下,為什麼系統 中的 效能 會出現這樣的字樣? 自從我灌了光碟機dos的驅動程式之後,我win98就變這樣了....請問要怎麼改回來??且我系統管理員找不到光碟機,但光碟機卻可以.可是跑的速度...跟以前相比實在差太多...請各位幫幫忙... 我安裝程式後他是怎麼寫的... Creating Sub-Directory Copying File ............ Modifying c:\config.sys Modifying c:\AUTOEXEC.BAT 他的ZIP文件檔.... ----- HOW TO INSTALL ATAPI CD-ROM DEVICE DRIVER ----- ******************** ** Introduction ** ******************** This utility installs the CD-ROM device driver needed by your CD-ROM drive to interface with your PC system. The drive installation disk includes the following files: * README.TXT This file * INSTALL.EXE CD-ROM installation program * IDE.SYS CD-ROM device driver ******************** ** Requirements ** ******************** Hardware Requirements : * IBM PC/AT or 100% compatible * one free IDE socket * one IDE CD-ROM drive Software Requirement: * MS-DOS version 6.0 or later * Microsoft Windows 3.1 or later * MS-DOS CD-Extension (MSCDEX 2.21) or later ******************************* ** Installation Procedures ** ******************************* Follow the steps below to install CD-ROM driver: 1. Restart your computer in DOS mode. 2. Insert the installation disk into your floppy disk drive. 3. Change the directory to that of your floppy disk drive (usually A, and type "INSTALL <Enter>" at the DOS prompt. 4. After the installation is complete, reboot your system. Two files will be modified to include the following lines: CONFIG.SYS : DEVICE=C:\CDROM\IDE.SYS /D:IDECD000 AUTOEXEC.BAT : MSCDEX.EXE /D:IDECD000 NOTE: Make sure you have the file MSCDEX.EXE under your path. Refer to your DOS manual or the online help for more information. ************************* ** Change Settings ** ************************* Modify the previous two command lines in CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT to reconfigure the settings of the CD-ROM driver, and then restart your system. To enabling DMA function, change the CONFIG.SYS file as: DEVICE=C:\CDROM\IDE.SYS /D:IDECD000 [/DMA] [/P:xxx,yy] "/DMA" enables BUS MASTER function if your mother board supports this function. "/UDMA" enables ULTRA DMA function if your mother board supports this function. "/q" or "/Q" enable quick mode. (Default) Example: DEVICE=C:\CDROM\IDE.SYS /D:IDECD000 /q /DMA /P:1F0,14 The option "/P:" specifies the I/O port address and IRQ level. The number xxx in hex specifies the I/O port address (such as 1F0, 170, 1E8, or 168 in HEX), and yy specifies the IRQ level (such as 14, 15, 11, or 10 in decimal). Note: Please do not add /P option if you are not familiar with I/O port address and IRQ level. Changing the AUTOEXEC.BAT file : MSCDEX /D:driver [/E] [/K] [/S] [/V] [/L:letter] [/M:number] Example: MSCDEX /D:IDECD001 /L:G /M:10 For more information, please refer to MS-DOS online help for MSCDEX by typing HELP MSCDEX. 看的懂得高手請幫幫忙吧..謝!! 有人要我用記事本,可是我不會..誰能告訴我確切的解決方法? |
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