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2003-06-29, 07:54 PM | #1 |
Powerquest Drive Image 7.0的錯誤訊息
我想用drive image7.0備份image檔,使用"backup drives"時出現以下錯誤訊息,看了drive image所附的文件(troubleshooting)找不到相關解答,煩請各位解答,謝謝
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The PowerQuest Virtual Volume Imaging driver (pqv2i.sys) is not present on the system. Error EC8F000C: Cannot find the Virtual Volume Image driver. Error 00000002: 系統找不到指定的檔案。 |
送花文章: 4,
2003-06-29, 08:16 PM | #2 (permalink) |
http://www.powerquest.com/support/results.cfm |
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送花文章: 3,
2003-06-30, 01:24 PM | #4 (permalink) |
Solution: Error "Unable to locate a virtual volume image driver" To correct this issue, please contact PowerQuest Technical Support to obtain the file "V2i_protector_1_1_patch.zip." Once you have obtained the "V2i_protector_1_1_patch.zip" file, perform the following: 1. Extract the contents of the the "V2i_protector_1_1_patch.zip" file to a temporary directory on your local hard drive. 2. Double-click the "ApplyPatch.cmd" file you extracted. 3. Once the patch has been installed, delete all of the patch files from the temporary directory. 4. Reboot your system. |
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