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2003-07-20, 11:35 PM | #1 |
為什麼我的media player沒辦法看到網路上seednet tv的影片 點選後就出理連線中一會就出現就緒..... 沒辦法看到影片 另外也無法看奇摩公事包上分享的影片 左邊會出現windowsmedia.com 之後就會出現一大堆英文字 就到這個綱站 http://www.microsoft.com/windows/win...04&id=C00D1197 好像是microsoft的英文網站 拜託大家了... 急切想知道解決方法 我的mail是joyyueh@ms25.hinet.net |
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2003-07-21, 07:36 PM | #3 (permalink) |
錯誤訊息是 You have encountered the following error while using Windows Media Player: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Error# C00D1197 Cannot play the specified file Windows Media Player cannot play the specified file. This error message may occur for one of the following reasons: The path to the file is not valid. If you typed a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) address in the Open URL dialog box, be sure the file name is spelled correctly and the path to the file is correct, and then try again. If you clicked a link on a Web page, clicking the link again may fix the problem. The server is down or busy. Try to connect to the server at a later time. Some network protocols in the Player are not enabled. Enable all network protocols, and then try again. The proxy server settings for Windows Media Player are not configured properly. Verify that your proxy settings are correct, and then try again. To enable all network protocols On the Tools menu, click Options, and then click the Network tab. In the Protocols area, select all the protocol check boxes. To verify your proxy server settings On the Tools menu, click Options, click the Network tab, and then verify your settings in the Proxy settings area. Note If you do not know what your proxy server settings should be, on the Network tab, select a protocol, click Configure, and then select one of the following options: Autodetect proxy settings Use proxy settings of the Web browser (available for HTTP protocol only) More help is available for this message. Click the button to learn more. Last Updated: Tuesday, January 14, 2003 |
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