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2003-07-25, 11:54 AM | #1 |
我想玩大富翁三 可是一定要用純DOS下玩 之前有看過類似的文章 可是搜索功能沒有ㄌ= = " 要怎麼用出純DOS阿 交一下ㄅ |
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2003-07-25, 05:42 PM | #8 (permalink) |
切一個分割區出來, 安裝 Win98 就有純 DOS 了...
還有一個叫 DOSBox 的模擬環境, 據說可以讓 XP 玩 DOS 遊戲, 我沒用過, 你不妨試試看... http://dosbox.sourceforge.net/information.php DOSBox is a DOS-emulator using SDL for easy portability to different platforms, DOSBox has already been ported to several different platforms, such as Windows, BeOS, Linux, Mac OS X... DOSBox emulates a 286/386 realmode CPU, Directory FileSystem/XMS/EMS, a SoundBlaster card for excellent sound compatibility with older games... You can "re-live" the good old days with the help of DOSBox, it can run plenty of the old classics that don't run on your new computer ! |
__________________ 我就是我 |
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