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2003-08-14, 06:02 PM | #1 |
請各位大大幫忙一下.... |
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2003-08-15, 12:32 AM | #5 (permalink) |
Flash2X Flash Hunter v1.1.2.072603
想把在網上看到Flash動畫抓下來,儲存到硬碟上欣賞嗎?這個工具就可以輕鬆方便地幫你完成這個工作。它還可以掃瞄你瀏覽過的Flash動畫,保証不會有遺留。它還能聰明地自動識別你的代理伺服器設置。這是一個非常簡單易用的好工具。 Flash2X Flash Hunter - Key Features Download flash movies from web pages Macromedia Shockwave Flash is the most popular animation format on Internet now. Flash2X Flash Hunter is a program to help you collecting wonderful Flash movies on websites. You are able to download the Flash movies you like when you surfing online with this useful tool. Simple and easy to use The program is integrated with Microsoft Internet Explorer. You can start the program on Internet Explorer toolbar or popup menu. The program will analysis the HTML code in the web page you are browsing and find out all the Flash movies. Run as independent program without Microsoft Internet Explorer If you do not use Internet Explorer, you can run the program as normal application. When you input the web pages you want to download Flash movies from, the program will connect to the web pages and find out the Flash movies on them. Support listing Flash files in Windows Internet temporary folders The program is able to list all the flash movies in your Internet temporary folders. You won't miss any wonderful flash movies you saw online. Intelligent proxy setting detecting The program is able to download Flash movies even you are accessing Internet through a proxy server. It uses the proxy setting in Microsoft Internet Explorer, which means you don't have to set the proxy server in the program again. Download flash movies from web pages Macromedia Shockwave Flash is the most popular animation format on Internet now. Flash2X Flash Hunter is a program to help you collecting wonderful Flash movies on websites. You are able to download the Flash movies you like when you surfing online with this useful tool. Simple and easy to use The program is integrated with Microsoft Internet Explorer. You can start the program on Internet Explorer toolbar or popup menu. The program will analysis the HTML code in the web page you are browsing and find out all the Flash movies. Run as independent program without Microsoft Internet Explorer If you do not use Internet Explorer, you can run the program as normal application. When you input the web pages you want to download Flash movies from, the program will connect to the web pages and find out the Flash movies on them. Support listing Flash files in Windows Internet temporary folders The program is able to list all the flash movies in your Internet temporary folders. You won't miss any wonderful flash movies you saw online. Intelligent proxy setting detecting The program is able to download Flash movies even you are accessing Internet through a proxy server. It uses the proxy setting in Microsoft Internet Explorer, which means you don't have to set the proxy server in the program again. http://www.flash2x.net/flashhunter/fhsetup.exe http://www.flash2x.net/ sn:ECKO reg: voD4Amu15ywB8W6y42AM n:ihlun sn: kBjhq3xZl0q7EkVf2oM9 |
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