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2003-09-01, 05:56 PM | #1 |
關 於寬頻的問題~
問中華電信他說我家因為住太山上~~ 所以說什麼收不到訊號ㄉ~~ 我想問一下~是不是真的會因為這個問題沒辦法裝寬頻啊~??? 還是說~裝電視線ㄉ就一定可以ㄋ??? 各位大大有什麼建議嗎?? 只要是寬頻有辦法裝ㄉ話都好~~ 不管是什麼方式的~~ 因為沒有寬頻真的很頭痛~~~~ |
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2003-09-01, 07:37 PM | #9 (permalink) |
請参考 "Downstream data rates depend on a number of factors, including the length of the copper line, its wire gauge, presence of bridged taps, and cross-coupled interference. Line attenuation increases with line length and frequency, and decreases as wire diameter increases. Ignoring bridged taps, ADSL will perform as follows:
Data Rate Wire Gauge Distance Wire Size Distance 1.5 or 2 Mbps 24 AWG 18,000 ft 0.5 mm 5.5 km 1.5 or 2 Mbps 26 AWG 15,000 ft 0.4 mm 4.6 km 6.1 Mbps 24 AWG 12,000 ft 0.5 mm 3.7 km 6.1 Mbps 26 AWG 9,000 ft 0.4 mm 2.7 km While the measure varies from provider to provider, these capabilities can cover up to 95% of a loop plant depending on the desired data rate. Customers beyond these distances can be reached with fiber-based digital loop carrier systems. As these DLC systems become commercially available, telephone companies will offer virtually ubiquitous access in a relatively short time. " |
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