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2003-09-25, 05:08 PM | #1 |
請教有人識用HyperSnap-DX 5.20.01來抓Dos下的圖呢?
本人想請教各位 有沒有人識用HyperSnap-DX 5.20.01來抓Dos下的圖呢? 如果不可以用這個程式, 可否提供一些抓圖程式可以在Dos下抓圖呢? 煩請各位幫助 |
送花文章: 3,
2003-09-25, 09:02 PM | #3 (permalink) |
試試這個... Screen Thief for DOS v2.01
http://ftp.nsysu.edu.tw/PC/SAC/graph/st201f.zip |
__________________ 我就是我 |
送花文章: 96,
2003-09-29, 09:51 AM | #7 (permalink) | |
Screen Thief 可以抓很多DOS程式的畫面, 包括像: GHOST(DOS保護模式), FDISK(一般DOS程式), ET倚天中文(我記得也可以抓)...等 除非您那個DOS程式執行後, 把一些特殊功能鍵給 Disable 了... 它的啟動熱鍵(Hot Key)是 [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [T] , 執行 ST 後, 按 [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [T] 就開始抓圖了... 能不能說說您的DOS程式是那一個軟體呢? |
送花文章: 96,
2003-09-29, 03:29 PM | #9 (permalink) |
您試試 ACDSee Classic 2.43 能不能看到您所抓的圖...
ACDSee Classic 2.43 2003 English Version: http://ftp.nsysu.edu.tw/cpatch/graph...ic243_2003.exe ACDSee Classic 2.43 2003 中文化檔: http://ftp.nsysu.edu.tw/cpatch/graph...cs243_2003.zip |
送花文章: 96,
2003-09-30, 10:11 AM | #13 (permalink) |
Screen Thief 可以自己更改 [Hot Key] 啟動熱鍵, 您要不要試試看...
能不能貼一張您所抓的圖上來? 我試試看有沒有其他軟體可以觀看. 執行方式如下: BT.exe /KEY:char|hex /KEY:char|hex ;; --> Setting the Screen Capture Hot-Key 例如: BT.exe /KEY:0 ;; --> [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [0] BT.exe /KEY:F12 ;; --> [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [F12] This switch selects the character, function or other key used in combination with the shift keys (selected with the /SHIFTS switch) which make up the screen capture hot-key. It accepts single character values for the alphanumeric keys found on the standard QWERTY keyboard layout, string values covering the twelve possible function keys and hexadecimal values for any remaining keys and non-QWERTY keyboard types. /KEY:char Single characters in the range A through Z and 0 through 9. The default is set as T. /KEY:str The function key names F1 through F12 only. /KEY:hex A two digit hexadecimal number which is a valid PC keyboard scancode, other than 1D, 2A, 36 and 38 which are the codes for the four shift keys. Upper or lower case characters can be used. |
送花文章: 96,