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2003-09-30, 11:26 PM | #1 |
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2003-10-01, 10:40 PM | #4 (permalink) |
http://www.cenatek.com/product_ramdisk.cfm 除非妳說的是其他公司出的產品,因為確實不只一家公司有出ramdisk這程式。 另外我po的版本確實可以在xp下安裝,因為我有裝。 |
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2003-10-01, 11:35 PM | #6 (permalink) |
RamDisk XP Home and Professional Editions Buy Here Download your software right after you check out of the store! RamDisk XP dramatically improves the I/O performance of all applications running on Windows XP. In tests run with the Intel Iometer benchmark, RamDisk XP shows over 30 times performance improvement over a standard Microsoft cached disk partition on the Windows XP operating system......That translates into a 5 to 10 times improvement in overall application speed for most applications running on Windows XP.... For applications that are pure I/O this means a 30 times improvement in application speed. A typical user will see dramatic performance improvements in their application speeds, because the disk subsystem is the slowest part of the computer and it slows everything down. In order to access data stored on a disk drive, the user has to wait for the mechanical speed of the disk subsystem. All users need to do to improve application speed is install their applications on RamDisk XP. It looks just like a real drive, except that it is pure software. The software takes less than five minutes to install. In order to see good results a user should have 256 MB of RAM or more, a minimum of 128 MB is required. Fortunately RAM is very inexpensive these days! Windows XP supports up to 4GB of RAM. Users can install their favorite applications on RamDisk XP and run them at blistering speed with no changes to the applications themselves. The latest release of RamDisk XP, now on our site, features an auto backup system to the hard drive. This feature is a new feature, and is available for both the Home and Professional Editions of Windows XP, and supports both FAT and NTFS RamDisk partitions. The user selects the backup function from the RamDisk XP control panel at any time. The backup function requires you to press the backup button from the RamDisk XP control panel. When the system starts up, it restores the previous contents of the RAM drive to its original state. This restore process is completely transparent to the user. If you need continuous absolute fail safe backup, then use the SuperSpeed product. SuperSpeed is totally automatic, instead of the manual backup of the RamDisk product. Windows XP IOMETER Benchmark Results We ran the Intel Iometer benchmark on a test partition, and then on a RamDisk XP partition. We took a snapshot of the benchmarks and they are summarized below. In both cases, the access pattern was set to random I/O. Reads were set at 67% of the total I/Os, and writes were set at 33% of the total I/Os. These tests were run on a SONY VIAO system with a 650MHz PIII CPU with 256MB of RAM. |
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