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2003-10-04, 11:53 PM | #1 |
電腦啟動時發生問題for win98se
cannot find a divice file that may be needed to run windows or a windows application. the windows registry or SYSTEM.INI file refers to this device file,but the device file no longer exists. if you deleted this file on purpose,try uninstalling the associated application using its uninstall or setup program. if you still wnat to use the application associated with this device file try reinstalling that application to replace the miss file c:\RECYCLED\DC1\SYMEVNT.386 press a key to continue 我用搜尋搜SYSTEM.INI有在阿也可正常開我就灌pccillin2004和破解再移除再使用刪除註冊檔軟體刪了些註冊碼 我用 98se |
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