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2004-02-20, 09:29 AM | #1 |
Alt-N Mdaemon 7.00 RC3
請問Alt-N Mdaemon 7.00 RC3該如何註冊?
我使用舊註冊碼已無法使用!! 註冊碼已更改為24碼~ 知道註冊碼的大大們~請告知一下~謝謝!! |
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2004-02-20, 10:39 AM | #2 (permalink) |
Mdaemon 7.0 即將推出啟動原則來反盜版
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [md-beta] MDaemon product activation system Arvel Hathcock (apparently) - 01:58pm Jan 31, 2004 CDT via email - CEO, Alt-N Technologies, Ltd. The next beta will introduce our MDaemon 7.0 product activation system. This is something I decided to add into the software only a couple of weeks ago and we have all been working on it intensely since then. Some people will be turned off by this so I figure its best to get the issue out in the open in advance of next Wednesday's RC1 release. However, the system is here to stay. It is critical for us and our partners around the world and is increasingly becoming the #1 weapon to fight illegal use by software vendors generally. When RC1 is release next week you will see that the system is fast, easy to use, and takes privacy considerations into account. In no way does it place an unreasonable strain upon legitimate users. Below is what I have drafted for inclusion in the release notes file: --->8--- o (SC) MDaemon 7.0 includes a custom-built product activation system. The goal of the system is to combat piracy. Studies by our partners around the world have shown that in some markets MDaemon is the #4 most deployed mail server (behind only Exchange, GroupWise, and Notes). It is our belief that our favorite little software package is rapidly becoming one of the most deployed mail server products in the world. With that comes a lot of piracy. Immediately after MDaemon loads it will launch the Activation Wizard which will walk you through the simple process of activating your registration key. You can activate in a fully automated fashion or manually if you prefer. The process takes only a few seconds. Activation ties your computer to your registration key using the MAC address of your network card making it impossible for others to illegally use your registration key. No personal information about you is required or transmitted. Reactivation is required if you change out your network card. The 'Help | Activate your registration key...' menu selection will launch the Activation Wizard should you need to do this in the future. Multiple activations are allowed however this is for customer convenience only and should not be considered license to violate the EULA. Registered users have 30 days in which to activate. Activation is required in order for MDaemon 7.0 to function. --->8--- -- Arvel Hathcock CEO, Alt-N Technologies, Ltd. Helping the World Communicate! http://www.altn.com http://www.mdaemon.com http://www.relayfax.com -------------------------------------------------------------- MDaemon 7.0 is coming! Faster multi-thread/multi-CPU server engine, market leading spam control, improved mobile and PDA support, enhanced security, and killer OWA style web mail. -------------------------------------------------------------- --MD-BETA----------------------------------------------------------------- This mailing list is for questions and discussion of problems encountered by the MDAEMON beta test team. To unsubscribe from this mailing list send an email to md-beta-unsubscribe@altn.com . --MD-BETA----------------------------------------------------------------- 等待破解或使用較舊版。。。已經有rc4 |
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送花文章: 3,
2004-02-24, 12:26 PM | #6 (permalink) |
mickey888 你常用這軟体喔,下方是公司網站
http://www.altn.com/download/default...t%5Fid=MDaemon 用這板就可阿 ed2k://|file|Alt-N.Mdaemon.Pro.v6.8.5+Keygen+Antivirus+RelayFax+WebAdmin+GroupWare+Tools+AddOns+Manuals.rar|68084287|770EC641B178343E0E81209E21939AFE|/ |
送花文章: 5,