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2004-02-20, 11:56 AM | #1 |
重複發表主題!! |
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2004-02-20, 12:21 PM | #2 (permalink) |
軟體王 如果有大連線數的需求.. 建議是換成企業版或專業版比較好. Serv-U 5.0 企業版 + 破解/序號(感謝hoio121大大提供) 1/23 Serv-U Corporate企業版 US$449.95(感謝babayu大大提供) 參考參考.. |
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2004-02-20, 12:36 PM | #3 (permalink) |
如果妳是商業用途,要購買此軟體,軟體王有代理。 http://www.softking.com.tw/soft/clic...asp?fid3=14294 |
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2004-02-20, 05:53 PM | #5 (permalink) |
該公司提供的試用版,是擁有企業版特性的,不知你的版本為何? Serv-U Personal Edition Serv-U Personal Edition was created with the individual in mind. We understand the need to share a few files with a couple friends, your family, or yourself when you are traveling. Serv-U Personal Edition lets you do this for FREE. Serv-U Personal Edition has the following limitations: ?One domain with a maximum of two concurrent connections ?No more than 5 user accounts ?No directory mapping or links ?No UL/DL ratios, quotas, or remote administration ?No SSL/TLS secure-FTP support ?No ODBC database storage of accounts You may use Serv-U Personal Edition for as long as you wish. However, consider purchasing a Registration ID for the Standard, Professional, or Corporate Edition so that you can enjoy all of the features and expandability Serv-U offers. After the trial period Serv-U will automatically turn in to the Personal Edition. Serv-U Standard Edition Serv-U Standard Edition is designed to be the file sharing solution for most individuals. The Standard Edition extends the limitations and capabilities of the Personal Edition to: ?One domain with a maximum of 25 concurrent connections ?A maximum of 100 user accounts ?Support for directory mapping and links ?Support of UL/DL ratios and quotas ?No remote administration ?No ODBC database storage of accounts ?Optional support for SSL/TLS secure-FTP Serv-U Professional Edition Serv-U Professional Edition addresses the small to medium business needs for an FTP server. Serv-U Professional Edition has the following capabilities: ?Three domains with a maximum of 100 concurrent connections ?A maximum of 250 user accounts ?Support for directory mapping and links ?Support of UL/DL ratios and quotas ?Support for SSL/TLS secure-FTP ?No remote administration ?No ODBC database storage of accounts Serv-U Corporate Edition Serv-U Corporate Edition addresses the need for a business-class FTP server with no limitations and the ability to grow with your business. With this in mind, Serv-U Corporate Edition has the following capabilities: ?Unlimited domains with an unlimited number of concurrent connections ?Unlimited number of user accounts ?Support for directory mapping and links ?Support of UL/DL ratios and quotas ?Support for SSL/TLS secure-FTP ?Support for remote administration of multiple servers from a single location ?Support for ODBC database storage of user and group accounts Serv-U Help - Copyright ?1995-2003 Cat-Soft, All Rights Reserved |
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