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2004-03-07, 08:39 AM | #1 |
剛剛新裝一顆120G的硬碟,在舊硬碟下直接安裝WIN XP.
因舊硬碟有壞軌,便移除舊硬碟,直接在新硬碟下開機, 但是,在抓完硬體(開機的第一個畫面)後 ,出現按Alt+Ctrl+Del重新開機的訊息, 請問各位大大,這是什麼原因?如何補救才能讓新硬碟開機? PS:我有調整硬碟的JUMP喔,也不要叫我單獨重灌喔^^ |
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2004-03-08, 04:04 PM | #7 (permalink) |
"Short for NT Loader, a program loaded from the hard drive boot sector that displays the Microsoft Windows NT startup menu and helps Windows NT load. Often a user will see the message "NTLDR is Missing" after attempting to install Windows 2000 or Windows XP, or upgrade a Windows 95-based or Windows 98-based computer to Windows 2000 or Windows XP. The message appears after the first reboot. This occurs only if Windows 95 or 98 has been installed on a drive with the FAT32 file system. To correct the problem, the user must boot the computer with a Windows 95 or 98 Startup diskette or another bootable diskette with sys.com on it. Then, at the "A:\>" prompt, type "sys c:" and press "enter." A "System Transferred" prompt should appear and then the user must reboot the computer without the diskette." |
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2004-03-08, 04:26 PM | #9 (permalink) |
問:我的機器原來裝的是Windows 2000 Professional和Windows XP Professional兩個操作系統。由於需要,在Windows 2000原來的分區安裝了Windows 2000 Server。系統安裝完成後重啟機器,開機後的選項操作系統列表還在,選項Windows 2000 Server沒有問題,當選項Windows XP時螢幕閃了一下就什麼都不見了。請問這是怎麼一回事?是否可以讓Windows XP Professional和Windows 2000 Server在我的電腦上和平共處? 答:出現Windows XP不能啟動的原因主要是由於安裝了Windows 2000後,Windows XP的兩個啟動檔案被Windows 2000替換造成的,這兩個文件分別是Ntldr和Ntdetect.com,它們位於C碟根目下。在Windows 2000下,把Windows XP安裝光碟放入光碟,然後進入光碟的i386目錄,可以找到Ntldr和Ntdetect.com兩個文件,把它們拷貝到C:\下,就可以恢復Windows XP的啟動了。 http://www.slime2.com.tw/forums/sear...der=descending |
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