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~~~~~~~~~~~~ RAR 3.10 32 位元主控台版本 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 歡迎使用 RAR 壓縮程式! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 簡介 ~~~~ RAR 是一套可以允許您管理與控制壓縮檔檔案的強大工具。主控台 RAR 僅支援 使用 RAR 格式的壓縮檔,且其檔案名稱通常有 ".rar" 的附檔名。ZIP 及其他 的格式則並未支援。Windows 使用者可以安裝圖形使用者介面的 RAR 版本 - WinRAR,該版本能夠處理更多的壓縮檔類型。 RAR 的特色包括:- * 高精密度與獨創性壓縮演算法 * 針對文字、音效、圖形資料、32 與 64 位元 Intel 處理器 作最佳化的特殊壓縮演算法 * 使用「緊密」壓縮法,比類似的工具有更佳的壓縮效能 * 可靠性驗證 (僅限註冊版) * 自解壓縮檔和分割檔案壓縮 (SFX) * 全然恢復損壞壓縮檔的能力 * 鎖定、密碼、檔案排序清單、檔案安全性和其他的功能... 組態檔 ~~~~~~ Unix 系統下的 RAR,從使用者的起始目錄 (保存於 HOME 環境變數中) 或在 /etc 目錄內的 .rarrc 檔案來讀取組態資訊。 Windows 系統下的 RAR,從與 rar.exe 檔案放置在相同目錄的 rar.ini 檔案來讀 取組態資訊。 該檔案可能包含底下的字串: 切換選項=<任何 RAR 切換選項,以空格位來區隔> 環境變數 ~~~~~~~~ 藉由建立一個環境變數 "RAR",預設參數便可以被加入到 RAR 的指令列。 例如:在 UNIX 環境,底下的列數可以加入到您的設定檔: RAR='-s -md1024' export RAR RAR 將會使用這個字串來作為在指令列中的預設參數,並且會使用 1024 KB 有伸縮性的字典索引大小來建立 "緊密" 壓縮檔。 RAR 控制優先權的選項如下: 指令列切換選項 最高優先權 RAR 變數下的切換選項 較低優先權 儲存於組態檔的切換選項 最低優先權 記錄檔 ~~~~~~ 如果切換選項 -ilog 參數已在指令列或組態檔中被指定,RAR 將會寫入資訊 訊息(在處理壓縮檔時所遭遇關於錯誤的訊息) 到記錄檔中。在 Unix 下,這 個檔案被命名為 .rarlog 並且放置於使用者的 Home 目錄。在 Windows 下, 它被命名為 rar.log 並且放置在與 rar.exe 檔案相同的目錄中。切換選項 -ilog 參數允許撤銷預設的記錄名稱。 緊密壓縮檔的檔案次序清單 - rarfiles.lst ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ rarfiles.lst 包含使用者定義的檔案清單,其告訴 RAR 要加入檔案到緊密壓 縮檔的次序。它可能包含檔案名稱、萬用字元以及特殊的項目 - $預設值。此 預設的項目定義了這個檔案,於檔案的次序清單上與其它項目不相符合的位置 。註解字元為 ';'。 在 Windows 下,這個檔案必須放置在與 RAR 相同的目錄中,在 Unix - 放置 到使用者的 Home 目錄或 /etc 目錄。 提供改善作業壓縮率及速度的秘訣: - 在壓縮檔中,類似的檔案應該被歸類在一起; - 經常存取的檔案應放在最前端。 RAR 指令列語法 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 語法 RAR <指令> [ -<切換選項> ] <壓縮檔> [ <@清單檔案...> ] [ <檔案...> ] [ <要解壓縮的路徑\> ] 描述 Command line options (commands and switches) provides control of creating and managing archives with RAR. The command is a string (or a single letter) which commands RAR to perform a corresponding action. Switches are designed to modify the way RAR performs the action. Other parameters are archive name and files to be archived into or extracted from the archive. Listfiles are plain text files contained names of files to process. File names should start at the first column. It is possible to put comments to the listfile after // characters. For example, you may create backup.lst containing the following strings: c:\work\doc\*.txt //backup text documents c:\work\image\*.bmp //backup pictures c:\work\misc and then run: rar a backup @backup.lst If you wish to read file names from stdin (standard input), specify the empty listfile name (just @). You may specify both usual file names and list files in the same command line. If neither files nor listfiles are specified, then *.* is implied and RAR will process all files In a UNIX environment you need to quote wildcards to avoid them being processed by RAR itself. For example, this command will extract *.asm files from RAR archives in current path: rar e '*.rar' '*.asm' 指令可以是下列中的任何一個: a 加入檔案到壓縮檔。 範例: create or update existent archive myarch, adding all files in the current directory rar a myarch c 加入壓縮檔註解。Comments are displayed while the archive is being processed. Comment length is limited to 62000 bytes 範例: rar c distrib.rar Also comments may be added from a file: rar c -zinfo.txt dummy cf 加入檔案註解。File comments are displayed when the 'v' command is given. File comment length is limited to 32767 bytes. 範例: rar cf bigarch *.txt cw 寫入壓縮檔註解到指定的檔案。 範例: rar cw oldarch comment.txt d 自壓縮檔刪除檔案。Note, if the processing of this command resulted in removing all the files from the archive, the empty archive would removed. e 解壓縮檔案到目前的目錄。 f 在壓縮檔內更新檔案。Updates those files changed since they were packed to the archive. This command will not add new files to the archive. i[i|c|h|t]=<字串> 在壓縮檔內尋找字串。 支援下列選用的參數: i - case insensitive search (default); c - case sensitive search; h - hexadecimal search; t - use ANSI, Unicode and OEM character tables (Win32 only); If no parameters are specified, it is possible to use the simplified command syntax i<string> instead of i=<string> It is allowed to specify 't' modifier with other parameters, for example, ict=string performs case sensitive search using all mentioned above character tables. Examples: 1) rar "ic=first level" -r c:\*.rar *.txt Perform case sensitive search of "first level" string in *.txt files in *.rar archives on the disk c: 2) rar ih=f0e0aeaeab2d83e3a9 -r e:\texts Search for hex string f0 e0 ae ae ab 2d 83 e3 a9 in rar archives in e:\texts directory. k 鎖定壓縮檔。Any command which intends to change the archive will be ignored. 範例: rar k final.rar l[t] 表列出壓縮檔的內容 [技術性]。Files are listed as with the 'v' command with the exception of the file path. i.e. only the file name is displayed. Optional technical information (host OS, solid flag and old version flag) is displayed when 't' modifier is used. m[f] 移動到壓縮檔 [僅限檔案]。Moving files and directories results in the files and directories being erased upon successful completion of the packing operation. Directories will not be removed if 'f' modifier is used and/or '-ed' switch is applied. p 列印檔案到標準輸出裝置。 You may use this command together with -inul switch to disable all RAR messages and print only file data. It may be important, when you need to send a file to stdout for use in pipes. r 修復壓縮檔。Archive repairing is performed in two stages. First, the damaged archive is searched for a recovery record (see 'rr' command). If the archive contains a recovery record and if the portion of the damaged data is continuous and less than N*512 bytes, where N is number of recovery sectors placed into the archive, the chance of successful archive reconstruction is very high. When this stage has completed, a new archive will be created, called fixed.arcname.rar, where 'arcname' is the original (damaged) archive name. If a broken archive does not contain a recovery record or if the archive is not completely recovered due to major damage, a second stage is performed. During this stage only the archive structure is reconstructed and it is impossible to recover files which fail the CRC validation, it is still possible to recover undamaged files which were inaccessible due to the broken archive structure. Mostly this is useful for non-solid archives. When the second stage is completed, the reconstructed archive will be saved as rebuilt.arcname.rar, where 'arcname' is the original archive name. RAR/DOS32 version uses _recover.rar and _reconst.rar instead of names mentioned aboves. While the recovery is in progress, RAR may prompt the user for assistance when a suspicious file is detected. 可疑的項目 名稱: <possibly filename> 大小: <size> 封包後: <compressed size> Add it: Yes/No/All Answer 'y' to add this entry to the file _RECOVER.RAR. 範例: rar r buggy.rar rc 使用恢復分割檔案數來重建遺失的分割檔案 (.rev 檔案)。 You need to specify any existing volume as the archive name, for example, 'rar rc backup.part03.rar' Read 'rv' command description for information about recovery volumes. rr[N] 加入資料恢復記錄。Optionally, redundant information (recovery record) may be added to an archive. This will cause a small increase of the archive size and helps to recover archived files in case of floppy disk failure or data losses of any other kind. A recovery record contains up to 32768 recovery sectors. The number of sectors may be specified directly in the 'rr' command (N = 1, 2 .. 32768) or if it is not specified by the user it will be selected automatically according to the archive size: a size of the recovery information will be about 1% of the total archive size, usually allowing the recovery of up to 0.6% of the total archive size of continuously damaged data. It is also possible to specify the recovery record size in percents to the archive size. Just append the percent character to the command parameter. For example: rar rr3% arcname Note that if you run this command from .bat or .cmd file, you need to use rr3%% instead of rr3%, because the command processor treats the single '%' character as start of batch file parameter. You may also use 'p' instead of '%', so 'rr3p' will work too. If data are damaged continuously then each rr-sector helps to recover 512 bytes of damaged information. This value may be lower in cases of multiple damage. The size of the recovery record may be approximately determined by the formula <archive size>/256 + <number of recovery sectors>*512 bytes. rv[N] 建立恢復分割檔案數 (.rev 檔案),which can be later used to reconstruct missing files in a volume set. This command has sense only for multivolume archives and you need to specify a name of the first volume in the set as the archive name. For example: rar rv3 data.part01.rar This feature may be useful for backups or, for example, when you posted a multivolume archive to a newsgroup and a part of subscribers did not receive some files. Reposting recovery volumes instead of usual volumes may reduce a total number of files to repost. Each recovery volume is able to reconstruct one missing RAR volume. For example, if you have 30 volumes and 3 recovery volumes, you are able to reconstruct any 3 missing volumes. If number of .rev files is less than number of missing volumes, reconstructing is impossible. Total number of usual and recovery volumes must not exceed 255. The optional <N> parameter specifies a number of recovery volumes to create and must be less than a total number of RAR volumes in the set. You may also append a percent character to this parameter, in such case the number of creating .rev files will be equal to this percent taken from the total number of RAR volumes. For example: rar rv15% data.part01.rar RAR reconstructs missing volumes either when using 'rc' command or automatically, if it cannot locate the next volume and finds the required number of .rev files when unpacking. Original copies of damaged volumes are renamed to *.bad before reconstruction. For example, volname.part03.rar will be renamed to volname.part03.rar.bad. s[名稱] 轉換壓縮檔成自解檔。The archive is merged with SFX-module (using a module in file default.sfx or specified in the switch). In the Windows version default.sfx should be placed in the same directory as the rar.exe, in Unix - in the user's home directory, in /usr/lib or /usr/local/lib. s- 從已經存在的自解壓縮檔中移除自解檔模組。 RAR creates a new archive without SFX module, the original SFX archive is not deleted. t 測試壓縮檔。This command performs a dummy file extraction, writing nothing to the output stream, in order to validate the specified file(s). 範例: 在現行目錄中測試壓縮檔: rar t * or for Unix: rar t '*' User may test archives in all sub-directories, starting with the current path: rar t -r * or for Unix: rar t -r '*' u 更新在壓縮檔內的檔案。Adds files not already in the archive and updates files changed since they were packed to the archive. v[t] 列出冗長的壓縮檔內容清單 [技術性]。 Files are listed using the format: full pathname, file comment, original and compressed size, compression ratio, last update date and time, attributes, CRC, compression method and minimum RAR version required to extract. Optional technical information (host OS, solid flag and old file version flag) is displayed when 't' modifier is used. To list the contents of all archive volumes, use an asterisk ('*') in place of the archive file extension or use the '-v' switch. 範例: direct archive content list (technical) to a file rar vt bambam >bambam.lst x 使用完整的路徑來解壓縮檔案。 範例: rar x -av- -c- dime 10cents.txt extract specified file to current path. AV check and comment show are disabled. 切換選項 (與指令結合使用): -? 顯示指令和切換選項的說明。The same as when none or an illegal command line option is entered. -- 停止切換掃瞄 This switch tells to RAR that there is no more switches in the command line. It could be useful, if either archive or file name starts from '-' character. Without '--' switch such name would be treated as switch. 範例: add all files from the current directory to the solid archive '-StrangeName' RAR a -s -- -StrangeName -ac 壓縮或解壓縮完後便清除「保存」屬性的檔案 (僅限 Windows 版本)。 -ad 附加壓縮檔名稱到目的路徑中。 This option may be useful when unpacking a group of archives. By default RAR places files from all archives to the same directory, but this switch creates a separate directory for files unpacked from each archive. 範例: rar x -ad *.rar data\ RAR will create for every unpacking archive subdirectories below 'data'. -ag[格式] 使用目前的日期與時間來產生壓縮檔名稱。 Appends the current date string to an archive name when creating an archive. Useful for daily backups. Format of the appending string is defined by the optional "format" parameter or by "YYYYMMDDHHMMSS" if this parameter is absent. Format string may include the following characters: Y - year M - month MMM - month name as text string (Jan, Feb, etc.) W - a week number (a week starts with Monday) A - day of week number (Monday is 1, Sunday - 7) D - day of month E - day of year H - hours M - minutes (treated as minutes if encountered after hours) S - seconds N - archive number. RAR searches for already existing archive with generated name and if found, increments the archive number until generating a unique name. If the first character in the format string is '+', positions of the date string and base archive name are exchanged, so date will precede an archive name. All other characters are added to an archive name without changes. 範例: 1) 使用預設的 YYYYMMDDHHMMSS 格式 rar a -ag backup 2) 使用 DD-MMM-YY 格式 rar a -agDD-MMM-YY backup 3) 使用 YYYYMMDDHHMM 格式,在 'backup' 之前置放日期 rar a -ag+YYYYMMDDHHMM backup 4) 使用 YYYY-WW-A 格式 rar a -agYYYY-WW-A backup 5) 使用 YYYYMMDD 及壓縮檔編號。It allows to generate unique names even when YYYYMMDD format mask used more than once in the same day rar a -agYYYYMMDD-NN backup -ao 加入有「保存」屬性設定的檔案 (僅限 Windows 版本)。 範例: add all disk C: files with Archive attribute set to the 'f:backup' and clear files Archive attribute rar a -r -ac -ao f:backup c:\*.* -ap 設定在壓縮檔內部的路徑。This path is merged to file names when adding files to an archive and removed from file names when extracting. For example, if you wish to add the file 'readme.txt' to the directory 'DOCS\ENG' of archive 'release', you may run: rar a -apDOCS\ENG release readme.txt or to extract 'ENG' to the current directory: rar x -apDOCS release DOCS\ENG\*.* -as 同步處理壓縮檔內容 If this switch is used when archiving, those archived files which are not present in the list of the currently added files, will be deleted from archive. It is convenient to use this switch in combination with -u (update) to synchronize contents of an archive and an archiving directory. For example, after the command: rar a -u -as backup sources\*.cpp the archive 'backup.rar' will contain only *.cpp files from directory 'sources', all other files will be deleted from the archive. It looks similar to creating a new archive, but with the one important exception: if no files are modified since a last backup, the operation is performed much faster than creation of a new archive. -av 放置可靠性驗證 (限註冊版)。 RAR will put, in every new and updated archive, information concerning the creator, last update time and archive name. If an archive, containing authenticity verification, is being modified and this switch is not specified, the authenticity verification information will be removed. When extracting, testing, listing or updating and archive with the '-av' switch, RAR will perform integrity validation and display the message: 正在驗證可靠性資訊... In the case of successful authenticity verification, the message 'Ok', creator name and last update information will be displayed. In the case of authenticity verification failure, the message 'FAILED' will be displayed. The Authenticity Verification feature, '-av,' is recommended for use with archives in a software distribution environment. In order to enable the Authenticity verification feature, the program MUST be registered. Please contact your local distribution site or the world-wide distribution center. -av- 停用檢查或加入可靠性驗證。 -cfg- 停用讀取組態設定與環境變數。 -cl 轉換檔案名稱成小寫字母。 -cu 轉換檔案名稱成大寫字母。 -c- 停用註解顯示。 -df 壓縮檔案完後便刪除來源檔案。 Move files to archive. This switch in combination with the command "A" performs the same action as the command "M". -dh 開啟共用的檔案。 Allows to process files opened by other applications for writing. This switch helps if an application allowed read access to file, but if all types of file access are prohibited, file open operation still will fail. This option could be dangerous, because it allows to archive a file, which at the same time is modifying by an other application, so use it carefully. -ds 加入到緊密壓縮檔時不排序壓縮的檔案。 -ed 不加入空的目錄 This switch indicates that empty directories are not to be stored in the created archive. -ee 不處理延伸的屬性 Disables saving and restoring extended file attributes. Only for OS/2 versions. -en 不加入 "壓縮檔的尾端" 區段 By default, RAR adds "end of archive" block to the end of new or updated archive. It allows to skip external data like digital signatures safely, but in some special cases it may be useful to disable this feature. For example, if an archive is trasferred between two systems via a unreliable link and at the same time a sender adds new files to it, it may be important to be sure that the already received file part will not be modified on the other end between transfer sessions. This switch cannot be used with volumes, because the end of archive block contains information important for correct volume processing. -ep 自名稱中排除路徑。This switch enables files to be added to an archive without including the path information. This could, of course, result in multiple files existing in the archive with the same name. -ep1 自名稱中排除主目錄。不保存在指令列上所輸入的路徑。 範例: all files and directories from the directory tmp will be added to the archive 'test', but the path in archived names will not include 'tmp\' rar a -ep1 -r test tmp\* This is equivalent to the commands: cd tmp rar a -r ..\test cd .. -ep2 展開路徑成完整的路徑。Store full file paths (except a drive letter and leading path separator) when archiving. -e<atr> 指定排除屬性遮罩的檔案。 <atr> is a number in the decimal, octal (with leading '0') or hex (with leading '0x') format. If result of bitwise AND between <atr> and file attributes is nonzero, then file would not be added to archive. In the Windows version also is possible to use instead of digital mask symbols D, S, H, A and R to denote directories and files with system, hidden, archive and read-only attributes. The order in which the attributes are given is not significant. -f 更新整理檔案。May be used with archive extraction or creation. The command string "a -f" is equivalent to the command 'f', you could also use the switch '-f' with the commands 'm' or 'mf'. If the switch '-f' is used with the commands 'x' or 'e', then only old files would be replaced with new versions extracted from the archive. -hp[p] 同時加密檔案資料與檔頭。 This switch is similar to -p[p], but switch -p encrypts only file data and leaves other information like file names visible. This switch encrypts all sensitive archive areas include file data, file names, sizes, attributes, comments and other blocks, so it provides a higher security level. Without a password it is impossible to view even the list of files in archive encrypted with -hp. 範例: rar a -hpfGzq5yKw secret report.txt will add the file report.txt to the encrypted archive secret.rar using the password 'fGzq5yKw' -idp 停用百分比指示。 May be useful when redirecting output to a file. -ieml[.][位址] 以電子郵件傳送壓縮檔。Win32 version only. Attach an archive created or updated by the add command to email message. You need to have MAPI compliant email client to use this switch (most modern email programs support MAPI interface). You may enter a destination email address directly in the switch or leave it blank. In the latter case it will be asked by your email program. It is possible to specify several addresses separated with commas or semicolons. If you append a dot character to -ieml, an archive will be deleted after it was successfully attached to email. If the switch is used when creating a multivolume archive, every volume is attached to separate email message. -ierr 傳送所有訊息到一般性錯誤的檔案中。 -ilog[名稱] 記錄錯誤數到檔案中 (限註冊版)。 Write error messages to the file rar.log created in RAR directory. It is possible to specify another log file name instead of the default rar.log in the switch, for example, -ilogc:\log\backup.log. If the specifed name does not include path, the log file will be created in RAR directory. -inul 停用所有訊息。 -ioff 完成作業後關掉電腦。The hardware must support the power off feature. Win32 version only. -isnd 啟用音效。 -k 鎖定壓縮檔。Any command which intends to change the archive will be ignored. -kb 保留解壓縮時損壞的檔案。 RAR, by default, deletes files with CRC errors after extraction. The switch -kb specifies that files with CRC errors should not be deleted. -m<n> 設定壓縮方式: -m0 保存 do not compress file when adding to archive -m1 最快 use fastest method (less compressive) -m2 快速 use fast compression method -m3 一般 use normal (default) compression method -m4 良好 use good compression method (more compressive, but slower) -m5 最佳 use best compression method (slightly more compressive, but slowest) If this switch is not specified, RAR uses -m3 method (normal compression). By default, RAR uses only the general compression algorithm in -m1 and -m2 methods, advanced algorithms like audio and true color processing are enabled only in -m3..-m5 modes, the advanced text compression is activated only in -m4..-m5. This default can be overridden using -mc switch. -mc<參數> 設定進階壓縮參數。 This switch is intended mainly for benchmarking and experiments, in the real environment usually it is better to allow RAR to select optimal parameters automatically. Please note that improper use of this switch may lead to very serious performance and compression loss, so use it only if you clearly understand what you do. It has the following syntax: -mc[param1][ ![]() where <module> is the one character field denoting a part of the compression algorithm, which has to be configured. It may have the following values: A - audio compression; C - true color (RGB) data compression; D - delta compression; E - 32-bit x86 Intel executables compression; I - 64-bit Intel Itanium executables compression; T - text compression. '+' sign at the end of switch applies the selected algorithm module to all processed data, '-' disables the module at all. If no sign is specified, RAR will choose modules automatically, basing on data and the current compression method. Switch -mc- disables all optional modules and allows only the general compression algorithm. <Param1> and <Param2> are module dependent parameters described below. Audio compression, delta compression: <Param1> is a number of byte channels (can be 1 - 31). RAR splits multibyte channels to bytes, for example, two 16-bit audio channels are considered by RAR as four channels one byte each. <Param2> is ignored. 32-bit x86 Intel executables compression, 64-bit Intel Itanium executables compression, true color (RGB) data compression: <Param1> and <Param2> are ignored. Text compression: <Param1> is the order of PPM algorithm (can be 2 - 63). Usually a higher value slightly increases the compression ratio of redundant data, but only if enough memory is available to PPM. In case of lack of memory the result may be negative. Higher order values decrease both compression and decompression speed. <Param2> is memory in megabytes allocated for PPM (1-128). Higher values may increase the compression ratio, but note that PPM uses the equal memory size both to compress and decompress, so if you allocate too much memory when creating an archive, other people may have problems when decompressing it on a computer with less memory installed. Decompression will be still possible using virtual memory, but it may become very slow. 範例: 1) switch -mc1a+ forces use of 8-bit mono audio compression for all data. 2) switch -mc10:40t+ forces use of text compression algorithm for all data, sets the compression order to 10 and allocates 40 MB memory. 3) switch -mc12t sets the text compression order to 12, when the text compression is used, but leaves to RAR to decide when to use it. 4) switches -mct- -mcd- disable text and delta compression. -md<n> 選擇字典索引大小 <n> (單位: KB)。Must be 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048 or 4096 or a letter 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g' respectively. The sliding dictionary is a special memory area used by the compression algorithm. If the size of the file being compressed (or the total files size in the case of a solid archive) is greater than the dictionary size, then increasing the dictionary size will generally increase compression ratio, decrease packing speed and increase memory requirements. RAR can reduce the dictionary size if it is significantly larger than size of source data. It helps to reduce memory requirements without decreasing compression. Default sliding dictionary size is 4096 KB. 範例: RAR a -s -mdd sources *.asm or RAR a -s -md512 sources *.asm Will create a solid archive using a 512 KB dictionary. -ms[清單] 指定要保存的檔案類型。 Specify file types, which will be stored without compression. This switch may be used to store already compressed files, what helps to increase archiving speed without noticeable loss in the compression ratio. Optional <list> parameter defines the list of file extensions separated with a semicolon. For example, -msrar;zip;jpg will force RAR to store without compression all RAR and ZIP archives and JPG images. It is also allowed to specify wildcard file masks in the list, so -ms*.rar;*.zip;*.jpg will work too. If <list> is not specified, -ms switch will use the default set of extensions, which includes the following file types: ace, arj, bz2, cab, gz, jpeg, jpg, lha, lzh, mp3, rar, zip, taz, tgz, z -ol 儲存符號連結成為取代該檔案的連結。 限 Unix 版本。 -os 儲存 NTFS 資料流。限 Win32 版本。 This switch has meaning only for NTFS file system under Windows NT and allows to save alternative data streams associated with a file. It is especially important under Windows 2000 and XP, which use streams to keep some file dependent information like file descriptions. If you use RAR to backup your NTFS disks, it is recommended to specify this switch. -ow 在壓縮檔案時使用這個選項來儲存檔案安全性資訊以及在解壓縮檔案時 使用這個選項來還原它。 Unix RAR version saves file owner and group when using this switch. Win32 version stores owner, group, file permissions and audit information, but only if you have necessary privileges to read them. Note that only NTFS file system supports file based security under Windows. -o+ 覆寫現有的檔案。 -o- 不覆寫現有的檔案。 -p[p] 在壓縮檔案時使用字串 <p> 作為密碼來加密檔案。 The password is case-sensitive. If you omit the password on the command line, you will be prompted with message "Enter password". 範例: rar a -pmyhoney secret1 *.txt add files *.txt and encrypt them with password "myhoney". -p- 不詢問密碼。 -r 遞迴子目錄。May be used with commands: a, u, f, m, x, e, t, p, v, l, c, cf and s. When used with the commands 'a', 'u', 'f', 'm' will process files in all sub-directories as well as the current working directory. When used with the commands x, e, t, p, v, l, c, cf or s will process all archives in sub-directories as well as the current working directory. -r0 類似於 -r,but when used with the commands 'a', 'u', 'f', 'm' will recurse subdirectories only for those names, which include wildcard characters '*' and '?' -ri<p>[:<s>] 設定優先權與休眠時間。Available only in RAR for Windows. This switch is used to regulate system load by RAR in a multitasking environment. The possible task priority values are from 0 to 15. When <p> is equal to 0, the default task priority is used, 1 corresponding to the lowest task priority, 15 - to the highest. The sleep time <s> is a value from 0 to 1000 (milliseconds). This is the period of time that RAR will give back to system after every read or write during the packing or unpacking operation. The sleep time setting is useful when several tasks with the same priority are running in the system. 範例: execute RAR with default priority and 10 ms of sleep after each read or write rar a -r -sfx -ri0:10 backup *.* -rr[N] 加入資料恢復記錄。This switch is used when creating or modifying archive to add a data recovery record to the archive. See the 'rr[N]' command description for details. -rv[N] 建立恢復分割檔案數。This switch is used when creating a multivolume archive to generate recovery volumes. See the 'rv[N]' command description for details. -s 建立緊密壓縮檔。Solid is a special archive type. Please refer to the appendix "Glossary" for further information. 範例: create solid archive sources.rar with 512 KB dictionary, recursing all directories, starting with the current directory. Add only .asm files: rar a -s -md512 sources.rar *.asm -r -s<N> 使用檔案總數來建立緊密群組 Similar to -s, but reset solid statistics after compressing <N> files. Usually decreases compression, but also decreases losses in case of solid archive damages. -se 使用延伸副檔名來建立緊密群組 Similar to -s, but reset solid statistics if file extension is changed. Usually decreases compression, but also decreases losses from solid archive damages. -sv 建立獨立的緊密分割檔案 By default RAR tries to reset solid statistics as soon as possible when starting a new volume, but only if a lot enough data was packed after a previous reset (at least a few megabytes). This switch forces RAR to ignore packed data size and attempt to reset statistics for volumes of any size. It decreases compression, but increases chances to extract a part of data if one of solid volumes in volume set was lost or damaged. Note that sometimes RAR cannot reset statistics even using this switch. For example, it cannot be done when compressing one large file split between several volumes. RAR is able to reset solid statistics only between separate files, but not inside of single file. Ignored, if used to create non-volume archive. -sv- 建立依存的緊密分割檔案 Disables to reset solid statistics between volumes. It slightly increases compression, but significantly reduces chances to extract a part of data if one of solid volumes in volume set was lost or damaged. Ignored, if used to create non-volume archive. -s- 停用緊密壓縮方式 -sfx[名稱] 建立自解壓縮檔。If this switch is used when creating a new archive, a Self-Extracting archive (using a module in file default.sfx or specified in the switch) would be created. In the Windows version default.sfx should be placed in the same directory as the rar.exe, in Unix - in the user's home directory, in /usr/lib or /usr/local/lib. 範例: rar a -sfxwincon.sfx myinst create SelF-eXtracting (SFX) archive using wincon.sfx SFX-module. -t 完成壓縮檔案後就測試檔案。This switch is especially useful in combination with the move command, so files will be deleted only if archive had been successfully tested. -ta<日期> 只處理在指定日期之後所修改的檔案。 Format of the date string is YYYYMMDDHHMMSS. It is allowed to insert separators like '-' or ':' to the date string and omit trailing fields. For example, the following switch is correct: -ta2001-11-20 Internally it will be expanded to -ta20011120000000 and treated as "files modified after 0 hour 0 minutes 0 seconds of 20 November 2001". -tb<日期> 只處理在指定日期之前所修改的檔案。 Format of the switch is the same as -ta<date>. -tk 保留原始壓縮檔日期。Prevents RAR from modifying the archive date when changing an archive. -tl 設定壓縮檔時間成最新檔案的時間。Forces RAR to set the date of a changed archive to the date of the newest file in the archive. -tn<時間> 處理比指定時間期間還新的檔案。Format of the time string is: [<ndays>d][<nhours>h][<nminutes>m][<nseconds>s] For example, use switch -tn15d to process files newer than 15 days and -tn2h30m to process files newer than 2 hours 30 minutes. -to<時間> 處理比指定時間期間還舊的檔案。Format of the switch is the same as -tn<time>. -u 更新檔案。May be used with archive extraction or creation. The command string "a -u" is equivalent to the command 'u', you could also use the switch '-u' with the commands 'm' or 'mf'. If the switch '-u' is used with the commands 'x' or 'e', then files not present on the disk and files newer than their copies on the disk would extracted from the archive. -v 使用自動偵測大小來建立分割檔案或表列所有分割檔案 This switch may be used when creating or listing volumes. In the first case it enables volume size autodetection, so new volumes will use all available space on the destination media. It is convenient when creating volumes on removable disks. You may read more about volumes in -v<size> description. In the second case, when this switch is used together with 'V' or 'L' command, it forces RAR to list contents of all volumes starting from the specified in the command line. Without this switch RAR displays contents of only single specified volume. -v<大小>[k|b|f|m|M] 建立分割檔案使用的大小=<大小>*1000 [*1024 | *1]。 By default this switch uses <size> as thousands (1000) of bytes (not 1024 x bytes). You may also enter the size in kilobytes using the symbol 'k', in bytes using the symbol 'b', in megabytes - 'm', in millions of bytes - 'M' or select one of several predefined values using the symbol 'f' following the numerical value. Predefined values can be 360, 720, 1200, 1440 or 2880 and replaced with corresponding floppy disk size. If the size is omitted, autodetection will be used. If volumes are created on removable media, then after the first volume has been created, user will be prompted with: Create next volume: Yes/No/All At this moment in time, you should change the disks. Answering 'A' will cause all volumes to be created without a pause. By default RAR volumes have names like 'volname.partNNN.rar', where NNN is the volume number. Using -vn switch it is possible to switch to another, extension based naming scheme, where the first volume file in a multi-volume set has the extension .rar, following volumes are numbered from .r00 to .r99. When extracting or testing a multi-volume archive you must use only the first volume name. If there is no next volume on the drive and the disk is removable, the user will be prompted with: Insert disk with <next volume name> Insert the disk with the correct volume and press any key. If while extracting, the next volume is not found and volumes are placed on the non-removable disk, RAR will abort with the error message: Cannot find <volume name> Archive volumes may not be modified. The commands 'd', 'f', 'u', 's' cannot be used with Multi-volume sets. The command 'a' may be used only for the creation of a new multi-volume sequence. It is possible, although unlikely, that the file size, of a file in a multi-volume set, could be greater than it's uncompressed size. This is due to the fact that 'storing' (no compression if size increases) cannot be enabled for multi-volume sets. Archive volumes may be Self-Extracting (SFX). Such an archive should be created using both the '-v' and '-sfx' switches. 範例: create archive in volumes of fixed size: rar a -s -v1440 floparch.rar *.* will create solid volumes of size 1440000 bytes. -vd 建立分割檔案前先抹除磁碟內容 All files and directories on the target disk will be erased when '-vd' is used. The switch applies only to removable media, the hard disk cannot be erased using this switch. -ver[n] 檔案版本控制項 Forces RAR to keep previous file versions when updating files in the already existing archive. Old versions are renamed to 'filename;n', where 'n' is the version number. By default, when unpacking an archive without the switch -ver, RAR extracts only the last added file version, which name does not include a numeric suffix. But if you specify a file name exactly, including a version, it will be also unpacked. For example, 'rar x arcname' will unpack only last versions, when 'rar x arcname file.txt;5' will unpack 'file.txt;5', if it is present in the archive. If you specify -ver switch without a parameter when unpacking, RAR will extract all versions of all files matched to entered file mask. In this case a version number is not removed from unpacked file names. You may also extract a concrete file version specifying its number as -ver parameter. It will tell RAR to unpack only this version and remove a version number from file names. For example, 'rar x -ver5 arcname' will unpack only 5th file versions. -vn 使用舊樣式命名方案的分割檔案 By default RAR volumes have names like 'volname.partNNN.rar', where NNN is the volume number. Using -vn switch it is possible to switch to another, extension based naming scheme, where the first volume file in a multi-volume set has the extension .rar, following volumes are numbered from .r00 to .r99. It may have sense, if you are going to unpack an archive under the plain MS DOS, which does not allow more than one dot in a file name. -vp 進行每個分割檔案之前先暫停 By default RAR asks for confirmation before creating or unpacking next volume only for removable drives. This switch forces RAR to ask such confirmation always. It can be useful if disk space is limited and you wish to copy each volume to another media immediately after creating. -w<p> 以 <p> 來指定工作目錄。This switch may be used to assign the directory for temporary files. -x<f> 排除指定的檔案 <f>,wildcards may be used both in the name and file parts of file mask. You may specify the switch '-x' several times: 範例: 1) rar a -r -x*.bak -x*.rar rawfiles *.bak and *.rar files will not be added to rawfiles 2) rar a -r -x*\temp\* savec c:\* compress all files on the disk c: except those in temp folders -x@<lf> 排除使用指定清單檔案中的檔案 範例: rar a -x@exlist.txt arch *.exe -y 對所有的詢問都採用 [是]。 -z<f> 自檔案讀取壓縮檔註解 <f>。 限制 ~~~~ 路徑名稱被限制到 259 個符號。 最大壓縮檔註解長度為 62000 個位元組。 指令限制: 指令 'd','u','f','c','cf' 不可與壓縮檔分割檔案共同作業。 指令 'a' 無法被用來更新壓縮檔分割檔案,而只能建立一個。 結束值 ~~~~~~ 一旦作業成功,RAR 會以一個零的代碼 (0) 來表示結束。非零的結束碼則表示 該作業由於發生錯誤而被取消: 255 使用者中斷 使用者停止處理程序 8 記憶體錯誤 作業時記憶體不足 7 使用者錯誤 指令列選項錯誤 6 開啟錯誤 開啟檔案時發生錯誤 5 寫入錯誤 寫入到磁碟時發生錯誤 4 鎖定的壓縮檔 試圖修改先前由 'k' 指令所鎖定的壓縮檔 3 CRC 錯誤 當解封包時發生 CRC 錯誤 2 嚴重錯誤 發生嚴重的錯誤 1 警告 非嚴重的錯誤發生 0 成功 作業成功 (使用者結束) 詞彙表 ~~~~~~ 壓縮檔 隨意包含一個或多個經壓縮過的和(或)經加密過的特殊檔案。 壓縮 一種資料編碼以減少它的大小的方式。 CRC 循環冗贅檢查。計算特殊之核對資料驗證資訊的數學方法。 自解檔 當執行時,能用來解壓縮檔案的壓縮檔模組。(自解壓縮的模組), 通常為 .EXE 的檔案形式。 緊密 使用一種特殊壓縮方式的壓縮檔封包,它把壓縮檔內的全部檔案都 視為一個連續的資料串流。此方式尤其有利於當封包大量小檔案的 時候。 分割檔案 為分割壓縮檔的一部分。分割壓縮檔成為分割檔案能容許它們被保 存到磁片中。緊密分割檔案壓縮必須自連續序列中的第一個來開始 解壓縮。 版權所有 (c) 1993-2002 Eugene Roshal |
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