舊 2004-12-17, 12:11 PM   #1
不飛 帥哥
不飛 的頭像
UID - 236817
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註冊日期: 2002-12-05
VIP期限: 無限期
住址: 鄭燮之板橋
文章: 14345
現金: 13161 金幣
資產: 2914062 金幣
Lightbulb OpenOffice.org for Linux

OpenOffice.org for Linux 2.0 (Snapshot Build 1.9.m65)

OpenOffice.org is the open source project through which Sun Microsystems is releasing the technology for the popular StarOffice productivity suite. It is an international office suite that will run on all major platforms and provide access to all functionality and data through open-component based APIs and an XML-based file format. It establishes the necessary facilities to make this open source technology available to the developer community.

不飛的不飛 ... 因為曾經端座在雲霄之上 ... 所以不飛 ,
因為期待您能與不飛抬頭共列翱翔天昊 ... 所以更是不飛 !

不飛不想飛 ... 畢竟殘破雙翼在苔階沾濕 ... 所以低頭 ,
只好安靜地蹲在這練習 ... 學習要如何才能飛的更高更遠 !

不飛不曾飛 ... 終於知道青澀期代表蒼狗 ... 所以情殤 ,
一甲子的意境等於六十年的期盼的凝固 ... 所以就此棲巢 !
不飛 目前離線  
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