舊 2007-07-12, 02:25 AM   #1
中文化 作者
UID - 261912
在線等級: 級別:8 | 在線時長:105小時 | 升級還需:12小時級別:8 | 在線時長:105小時 | 升級還需:12小時級別:8 | 在線時長:105小時 | 升級還需:12小時
註冊日期: 2007-02-07
文章: 438
精華: 0
現金: 10684 金幣
資產: 16404 金幣
Arrow Sisulizer 1.5.18 & 1.6.1 & 1.6.3 企業版

[軟體名稱] Sisulizer 1.5.18 & Sisulizer 1.6.1 & Sisulizer 1.6.3 企業版
[軟體語言] 繁體中文
[檔案大小] 18.5 MB、19.05 MB、18.9 MB
[官方站台] http://www.sisulizer.com/downloads.shtml
[相關連結] http://forum.slime.com.tw/thread207942.html
[存放空間] Badongo、MediaFire
[軟體簡介] 免安裝


Sisulizer 跟 Heaven 兄翻譯的 Multilizer 軟體本地化工具相似;您只要三個步驟:掃瞄應用程式來源並定位好文字;使用 Sisulizer 的視覺化編輯工具翻譯;組建本地化目標,即可完成軟體本地化,具體的操作說明請參閱:

帖子:http://www.slime2.com.tw/forums/showthread.php?t=198919 #2 樓


1. 由於不是拿官方的繁體中文語言檔修改的,因此翻譯上仍可能有所謬誤,如果您見到了,請不吝給予指正,謝謝。

2. 基於使用者的選擇權利,在底下增加了官方的繁體中文語言檔載點,請自行挑選使用。

3. 軟體已綠化,所需的資料也內嵌在壓縮檔裡頭了,下載後解壓到任意位置,執行 [Sisulizer.exe] 即可;您可以在 [工具 -> 設定 -> 附加元件] 中,設定檔案關聯,其它細部選項,請自行配置。

4. 2007-08-15 加入 Sisulizer 1.6.1,不過這版按 [工具 -> 表單] 時會出錯,官方的也是如此。


5. 官方的更新速度變正常了... 哈。

6. 2007-08-22 加入 Sisulizer 1.6.3,表單問題已解決。


--- New features ---

- Localization of TMX files implemented.

--- Bug fixes ---

- Form editor properties dialogs works again.


--- Bug fixes ---

- Import and Export buttons of text definition did not do anything.
- Importing from text and Excel file imported string sometimes incorrectly if the system code page of OS did not match the imported data.


--- New features ---

- Validation and Local translation memories (DBISAM and Access) added to Translation Edition and Personal Edition.

--- Bug fixes ---

- Text import did not save the text definitions.
- Text import could not import all languages but only one language.
- HTML Help: Someting Sisulizer raised an error when scanning index data from .chm file.
- HTML Help: Index context was case insensitve when it should have been case sensitive. This caused some items to appear as single row.
- Visual C++ sources: Checking "Single string table" options made the project file into unreadable state.


--- New features ---

- .NET: Tested and mapped with DotNetBar components.
- .NET: Safe localization of LayoutString property of Janus controls implemented.
- VCL: Tested and mapped with ElevateDB and JEDI components.
- Two new column: Characters and Pixels. Characters tells the length on current translation in chars and Pixels in pixels.

--- Bug fixes ---

- VCL: TLaTranslator raised an Unknown type error when form or data module contained vaNull value.
- .NET: When using binary localization Sisulizer sometimes wrote invalid resource data.
- Pasting text into null cell left sometimes the translation status "Not translated".
- Importing from the old Borland Translation Repository file (.xml) failed to decode escaped characters (e.g. \").


--- Bug fixes ---

- HTML Help: Sisulizer did not correctly set language and encoding metatags. This caused output files showing mojibake text.
- RC: Relative paths e.g "..\Res\RedBitmap.bmp" are writted with '\\' as "..\\Res\\RedBitmap.bmp".
- RC: Translated images don't have relative paths.


--- Bug fixes ---

- .NET: .Resx file containing emmbedded icons caused Sisulizer to fail scanning.
1.5.18 檔案下載:http://www.badongo.com/file/3719806

1.5.18 官方語系:http://0rz.tw/782Rr

1.6.1 檔案下載:http://0rz.tw/062Vb

1.6.1 官方語系:http://0rz.tw/c52Vf

1.6.3 檔案下載:http://0rz.tw/272Z1

1.6.3 官方語系:http://0rz.tw/562RI


CENTURYS 網際論壇 中文化開發團隊

此帖於 2007-08-22 07:55 AM 被 yoyo007 編輯. 原因: 加入 Sisulizer 1.6.3 企業版...
yoyo007 目前離線  
送花文章: 318, 收花文章: 331 篇, 收花: 1201 次
有 6 位會員向 yoyo007 送花:
e0908poiuy (2007-08-15),getter (2007-07-19),mini (2007-07-12),丹楓 (2007-08-15),莊小青 (2007-11-27),飛行船大大 (2007-11-26)