舊 2007-09-02, 11:44 PM   #1
中文化 作者
UID - 261912
在線等級: 級別:8 | 在線時長:105小時 | 升級還需:12小時級別:8 | 在線時長:105小時 | 升級還需:12小時級別:8 | 在線時長:105小時 | 升級還需:12小時
註冊日期: 2007-02-07
文章: 438
精華: 0
現金: 10684 金幣
資產: 16404 金幣
Arrow Sisulizer 1.6.5 & 1.6.8 企業版

■ 軟體說明:

∥版本資訊:1.6.5 & 1.6.8
∥檔案大小:18.9 MB、19 MB
∥系統環境:Windows Vista/XP/2000
∥中 文 化:YoYo


■ 軟體簡介:

Sisulizer 跟 Heaven 兄翻譯的 Multilizer 軟體本地化工具相似;您只要三個步驟:掃瞄應用程式來源並定位好文字;使用 Sisulizer 的視覺化編輯工具翻譯;組建本地化目標,即可完成軟體本地化。


1. 由於不是拿官方的繁體中文語言檔修改的,因此翻譯上仍可能有所謬誤,如果您見到了,請不吝給予指正,謝謝。

2. 基於使用者的選擇權利,在底下增加了官方的繁體中文語言檔載點,請自行挑選使用。

3. 軟體已綠化,所需的資料也內嵌在壓縮檔裡頭了,下載後解壓到任意位置,執行 [Sisulizer.exe] 即可;您可以在 [工具 -> 設定 -> 附加元件] 中,設定檔案關聯,其它細部選項,請自行配置。

【 V1.6.8 】

--- New features ---

- If you right click the form editor you find a new menu "Browse Components...". It shows all components and their properties in a single dialog.
- Visual report localization support added for Ace Reporter and ReportBuilder.

--- Bug fixes ---

- Even if you unchecked install language or dictionary the setup installed the file any way.
- Sometimes Sisulizer detected string to a message string pattern and the validation process reported an unnecessary inconsistent message string validation error.
- You could not drag and drop localized database table undernearth the original database table.

【 V1.6.7 】

--- Bug fixes ---

- When the sheet had been resized, some texts wrapped incorrectry
- C++: POPUP menus sometimes were not ended correctly.

【 V1.6.6 】

--- New features ---

- Combined string support added to database localization.
- You can now choose the updation method of Windows resources. Possoble value are: Auto, Windows, Custom. Auto works like it has been. If the generated EXE of DLL are invalid, you can try Windows or Custom.

--- Bug fixes ---

- If you have sepecified an alternative original language it is used instead of original in filtering.
- "Exclude the whole component and its properties" options in component mappings works property.
- Japanese resource file (Sisulizer.JP) was invalid in 1.6.5. Sisulizer crashed if started in Japanese.
- If TMX file cotained context data and it was imported by value (e.g. not by context) nothing got imported.
- If there was a SQL Server translation memory added to Sisulizer it raised an error when starting.


--- New features ---

‧Support for Firebird database added. Sisulizer can import data from Firebird, localize Firebird tables and store translation memory on a Firebird database.
‧You can select an alternative original language (=any language in the project). The selected language will be used instead of the original on the sheet and WYSIWYG editors. That will help to translate from any other than original language. Choose Project | Options... and select an alternative original.

--- Bug fixes ---

‧Importing data from large Excel files caused an error.
‧.NET: If .NET runtiem directory (e.g. C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework) contained two directories for the same .NET version (e.g. beta and release) Sisulizer used the first one (beta) and that caused creating the localized satellite assembly files failing.
‧.NET binary localization: If you excluded a node in the project Sisulizer could not create localized satellite assembly file


--- Bug fixes ---

‧HTML: This kind of code <THEAD>Some text here</THEAD> doesn't raise an excaption.
‧Visual Basic: List index out of bound error happened sometimes hen scanning VB forms.
‧.NET: Run original was enabled event if the drive did not contain Visual Studio project file.

V1.6.8 檔案下載:http://www.badongo.com/file/4419429

V1.6.8 MD5:
V1.6.8 官方語系:http://www.mediafire.com/?9ejmhw11jhh

V1.6.5 檔案下載:http://www.badongo.com/file/4232643

V1.6.5 MD5:
V1.6.5 官方語系:http://0rz.tw/b5320

CENTURYS 網際論壇 中文化開發團隊

此帖於 2007-09-20 05:46 AM 被 yoyo007 編輯. 原因: 更新至 1.6.8 ...
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