舊 2008-12-05, 03:17 PM   #34 (permalink)
UID - 42
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註冊日期: 2002-12-06
文章: 8621
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預設 「One Voice」

「One Voice」-「Barry Manilow」


Just one voice singing in the darkness
All it takes is one voice
Singing so they hear what's on your mind
And when you look around you'll find
There's more than one voice singing in the darkness
Joining with that one voice
Each and every note another octave
Hands are joined and fears unlocked

If only one voice would start it on it's own
We need just one voice facing the unknown
And then that one voice would never be alone
It takes that one voice
Ba ba ba da da da da...
It takes that one voice

Just one voice singing in the darkness
All it takes is one voice
Shout it out and let it ring
Just one voice
It takes that one voice
And every one will sing
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有 11 位會員向 dddd 送花:
anotherlevel (2008-12-05),cara551977 (2008-12-06),grc45 (2008-12-05),jient (2008-12-05),K22514 (2008-12-05),KL-iris (2009-05-11),magicwoo (2008-12-05),mondex (2009-05-11),qdenise (2008-12-05),rezard (2008-12-07),uplander (2008-12-05)