剛讀完貴文後,我也從加拿大的 Service Canada 的 Job Searching Bank 試著去找工作,如汽車零件裝配員,結果在選定的條件上,以整個大多倫多市(GTA - Great Toronto Area) 的職業市場來搜尋,結果只得到一個可憐的工作機會(美國美個月損失九萬個工作機會;加拿大每月損失兩萬個),如此的就業市場真是罕見到了極點,加拿大政府對於領失業金的人數不太願意揭露,再這樣惡化下去,政府主導的失業金保險計劃會崩潰。
Did you know that there is 1 job available in your community, for your most recent occupation?
Here is the job:
Order# Occupation/Salary Job Location Employer
4462356 Automobile accessories installer / $16/ Hourly for 37 hours Scarborough, ON Global Human Resource Centre inc.
To view the job and the details, select "Log Out and View Jobs in Your Community" at the end of this page.
You will also have the option to search for jobs in different locations or occupations and access other job search tools like:
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Receive e-mail notification of new job openings that match your search criteria.
You can also access these job search tools and other employment related services at servicecanada.gc.ca by selecting "Jobs".