作者: K22514
http://www.bodyrock.tv/2009/08/28/my...wrinkle-cream/ 她在2009年8月宣稱她的年紀為27歲,那麼今年就是28歲了,但是她的身材卻如16-18歲般小姑娘般的結實與富彈性。(第一段發表於2009年8月28日「我的第一個除皺紋乳液」的文章中),如下︰Every woman has to go through this – that’s life. Everyone copes with wrinkles differently, some people don’t mind it while others like me want to fight against it
I don’t feel old at 27 and I am certainly not complaining, but this is just another area that I want to look after. I certainly never felt that taking care of your appearance and body is just a superficial pursuit. Every one feels better when they take care of them selves.
其實只要人肯動(真正的運動起來),練就一身的健美,根本就不是問題﹗Age doesn't matter, if you exercise! 首先要坦承自己實在是太懶了,所以才有目前不堪入目的身材,只要自己忠實的面對自己,痛改前非,那麼,您將重拾一身的青春與健康。